Chapter 20

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I really wish I had the self control to NOT update so often but I guess it's good for you guys that I don't! Xoxo Enjoy! Votes/Comments are awesome!


Mae packed a bag, the entire time in the house felt dirty and although they said she was safe she felt eyes following her. The thoughts plaguing her now was how Jude managed it all and if the sudden flurry of activity was drawing all suspicions. He was far from smart, incredibly uneducated and perpetually lazy so she knew he had help but who and how much was the real question.


She started down the steps as Jax and Clay came in the dining room. She'd never formally met any of them aside from Juice but he was the one who looked the nicest looking one, even compared to Opie, and the least threatening.

"Babe, this is Clay, Jax and Chibs."

"Hi." She said meekly, intimidated by their overwhelming presence Mae could hardly look at them. The Sons were big in every way and she felt in right there in her dining room. "Thank you so much for getting involved. I really appreciate everything you're doing."

"No problem." Clay said, smiling, hoping to ease her obvious fears. He wasn't worried about her as much as Opie and the others. "That's what we're here for. Any friend of Ope's is a friend of the club."

Jax knew what he was doing, it was necessary that she viewed them as protective rather than frightening because for her they were that indeed. "You got everything you need?"

"I do. I have this for you guys too, there were others but he took them." Mae handed Opie the two photos Jude left on her desk. "I'll let you guys talk." She looked up at Opie and gave him a crooked smile. "I'll go wait in the other room."

"I'll be right there." He said, pressing his hand against her back and walking with her to the living room. "You okay?"

"Yeah." She gave him a real smile as she sat on the couch. "Oh, before you go, I want to let you know that this is working, I was just trying to protect you or something. You know?"

Cupping her cheek he nodded, "Yeah, I know. I guess you weren't going to call if he didn't tell you to." She looked away realizing she'd left Jude's note out. "It's alright. I get it. Just know that only makes shit more dangerous."


"We're getting lazy." Clay barked as he flicked the photos down the dining room table. "From now on we're on high alert. I don't want anyone getting this close again."

The three men nodded.

"We gotta draw him out, that's all we can do. Draw him out and take care of it." Chibs tapped his cigarette on the edge of the mug they were using as a makeshift ashtray.

"You think she'd be up for helping?" It was touchy but Jax knew if Clay were the one to ask he'd been less flexible and much harsher in tone.

"What?" Opie forgot he had given her his hat as he reached to adjust it but instead just ran his fingers through his hair. "Like bait? Fuck no. We figure out another way."

"But if he's got eyes everywhere, which he does, how are we going to trick him?" Clay was adamant.

"We're working on that." Jax added. "If we can get the upper hand, blind him and goad him out without putting her at risk, we win."

"She's what he wants." Clay countered.

"She has a name." Opie said harshly. "We'll figure out a way without risking Mae."

Clay and Jax shared a look and nodded. "Alright. We'll figure it out. For now, Juice," Clay startled the young man, "You get us everything you can on this asshole."

"I'll get on it."

"Ope, you're obviously on Mae." Jax said with a wink. "I'll have Neeta and Tara on call for the kids. Just have Mae humor him for a few days, nothing dangerous. Everything's gonna look coincidental, we'll set it all up and end it quick.

Opie nodded in agreement. It was a fine plan. "Thanks guys. I know this shit," he tapped the photo, "Is on me but I appreciate the support."

"Of course," Clay said. "This is a family, it's what we do. We all love you, Ope."


They were not followed. Juice and Chibs made sure of that as Opie and Mae headed south. No reservations in a beach town on a Thursday would be hell but they'd find something, they had to, there was no other choice. They took Opie's truck and drove just about four hours to Cayucos. By the time they arrived it was officially Friday morning. They stopped at nearby diner for breakfast before picking the first place with a vacancy. While Opie made arrangements, Mae called in sick to work.

Opie knew a bed and breakfast would be pricy but he wasn't searching all night and the point of this was to throw Jude off. This place looked every to be a sweet weekend getaway and that was what they were aiming for. He swallowed his outrage and paid in cash.

"Our first trip." She joked as they stepped into the room and dropped their bags. Compulsively, Mae checked her phone for anything from Jude but so far he seemed to be taking it as it was clearly presented; a weekend away. She looked around, her slender hand over her mouth, with wide eyes. "Ope, this is gorgeous."

It was nice, he had to admit, but he had very few options. It was the only room available, which made sense after paying close to a thousand dollars for two nights, and it was clearly a suite for couples.

"I'm glad you like it. We got lucky, I'll tell you that much."

The king sized canopy bed sat in the middle of the room and a balcony to the left with a fantastic view of the ocean had taken Mae's fears away and that was the least of the amenities.

"Thank you." She glided over to him. "Thank you so much. I don't know how I can make it all up to you."

"You don't have to make anything up to me."

Mae nodded and, reaching up on her tippy toes, stretched to kiss him. She tugged on his beard playfully before snaking her arms into his cut and around his waist.

"Why don't we try this whole thing over again since our Thursday night got screwed up." Her smile fell as she grew serious. "Things are working, they are working so well, and you are incredibly special. I don't want to ruin anything or let him hurt us so let's make the most of this."

"I like that." He said quietly. "So does making the most include using that hot tub I shelled out for? We can crank up the AC so we don't fry."

Mae grinned devilishly and pushed the straps of her dress down. "Unzip me, let's see who can get in there first."

I've Got This FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora