Chapter 18

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Avoiding Opie wasn't going to make anything better but it's what she did anyway. Distance seemed safer, for Opie at least, but it was far from safe for Mae. She called out of work the next day and slept in late. Maybe she wanted to hide incase Opie decided to 'check up' again but, no matter the reason, she didn't leave the house until almost noon.

"Small dark roast." She mumbled to the barista and dropped a ten on the counter. "Keep the change."

Mae took the coffee and strolled down the street. Linden was far from Charming. It was a cute little neighborhood outside of Stockton and she had no worries about seeing Opie randomly. When she got to the corner on her left was a giant church, the banner hanging read Saint Xavier Roman Catholic Church. She hadn't been to mass since her high school graduation but suddenly the comfort found in those wooden pews under the stained glass called to her. She was too cowardly though, it seemed daunting so instead Mae parked herself on the bench out front.

"Are you at work?" Opie's text interrupted her silent prayer for guidance. She looked at it, angry and heartbroken, and replied that she was and she was swamped. When he text back she didn't read his response.


Opie tossed his burner on the table beside him with a frustrated sigh. They'd only really been together for a few weeks but those weeks were full of constant contact and plenty of meaningful communication. It didn't take long but Opie grew attached to Mae, he had fallen hard and fast, and his emotional vulnerability was now turning him inside out.

"What's going on?" Jax took a besides him and lit up a cigarette.

"Lemme get one?" He asked, pointing to the cigarette dangling from Jax's lips.

Without answering, Jax handed him his smokes and lighter. He eyed Opie for a moment trying to decipher something from his expression but he failed.

"Ope, what's going on?"

"Shit with that girl."

"What shit? I thought things were good."

Opie shrugged, gave in and, grabbing his phone from the table, checked to see if Mae text him back. When he saw nothing he tossed the phone away and cursed under his breath.

"She's been all fucking weird since last night. It as working but now I can't seem to sync everything up."

Jax chuckled, "She's probably on the rag. You hit it yet?"

"Yeah." Opie said hesitantly. "Ain't like that though, I thought it wasn't."

"Man, I wish I had advice. You seen my home life, not exactly something you should strive for."

"At least she talks to you." Gesturing to Tara as she parked down the lot, Opie got off the bench. "I'm heading out. I'll talk to you later."


Mae arrived home and hurried into her house as if being outside too long would alert Opie to her presence there. Once inside she wished she had not been so quick. There was a note on the breakfast bar with detailed instructions. Jude wanted to her get dolled up and visit Opie, it was the last thing she wanted to do. He knew what she was planning though and that was no fun for him. Mae grabbed her phone and called Opie.

"Hey," she spoke up even before he could. "How are you?"

"I'm good." The surprise and excitement in his voice was painful to hear. "I was getting worried about you."

"I'm sorry. It's been pretty wild at work and I've been beat." At this point she was more accepting of the fact that Jude could most likely see her at all times as she walked through her house. She picked a cute white and red polka dot dress from her closet and a pair of wedge sandals.

"Let me come up and see you."

"Where are the kids?"

"Sleepover, some birthday party."

"I'll come to you then. I'll bring beer. Give me about an hour."

"Just bring yourself. I'll see you soon."


Mae did stop for beer and cigarettes then showed up at Opie's with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. "Hi." She said shyly and stepped into the house.

"Here give me all this."

He took the case and the bag from her and haphazardly dropped them on the kitchen counter. Excitedly, as she dropped her purse on the table, he swept her up in his arms and kissed her ardently. It was unexpected but she loved it. Even in the awful situation and knowing Jude was probably watching or at least nearby, she felt safe and happy in his arms.

"I missed you," Mae said as they ended the kiss, "So much. I'm sorry I've been busy."

"It's okay." Opie laughed at himself but still felt off around her. "Professional women are in high demand, I guess."

"You like that, huh? Dress clothes and all?"

"I like you." He said, looking over his shoulder as he grabbed two beers and the smokes.

"And I like you." She gratefully took the beer and chugged almost half in one go. "Ope, whatever it is here, I really enjoy spending time with you and I really like you."

Opie nodded and, taking the beer from her, took her hands in his and interrupted her. "I've been thinking about this, about you. I was looking for someone and I was looking in the worst places."

"Ope," Mae tried to quiet him with a kiss but he kept talking.

"I just don't want any confusion. If this is working for you I want to know."

Her phone sang out from the table and Mae cursed herself and Jude silently. She reached for it, out of fear Mae completely forgot the moment she and Opie were sharing, but he stilled her hands.

"Hey," Opie turned her face toward him. "Mae what's going on? You're acting so weird."

"This isn't working, Opie."

Pursing his lips tight he nodded and and dropped her hands. "Alright."

"Can I use your bathroom?"

He nodded, knowing she already knew where it was, and watched as she drudged up the steps. She would cry and try to firm her resolve but it wouldn't work. As she disappeared into the hall Opie didn't buy it, none of it. So he went into her purse and pulled out her phone.

"You two are just adorable, it's disgusting. This is too much fun. I'd wash your sheets when you get home if you guys fuck, I'll probably make a sticky mess watching that again.


Another weekend shortie for you all! Xoxo! Votes/comments are loved, thanks so much for reading!

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