Chapter 9

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The clubhouse was buzzing with activity when Opie and Mae arrived. The lights were dimmed by the enormous cloud of smoke that hung over them and all the different voices floated together forming some strange buzz of meaningless conversation.

"I feel overdressed." She whispered jokingly as they walked up the lot, Opie's arm over her shoulders and her bag in his hand.

Glancing down the first thing Opie saw was her cleavage, her full breasts bounced with each step and he shook his head. "No one's gonna complain, trust me. You look nice."

It seemed like a bland comment, most women would want more than nice, even she would normally, but Mae just smiled. "Thank you." Dropping her head to the side against his sternum, his arm around her shoulder and hers around his waist, Mae stepped into the clubhouse.

"Prospect," he called to Rat. "You clean up the apartment and change the sheets?"

"I did." Gemma smiled at her stepped in front of them. "You're all set in there."

"Thanks." He pressed a kiss on Gemma's cheek. "Clay around?"

"No, he's still with Unser." Her eyes flicked between them and Opie let out a deep chuckle.

"Mae this is Gemma, Gemma this is Mae. She was good friends with Sack," he added quickly.

"It's nice to meet you." Mae said with a timid voice.

With a questioning look, she nodded and as Opie walked by, Gemma gave him back a gentle pat. There weren't many people around but the ones that were watched Opie closely. For outlaw bikers, they loved a bit of gossip.

"It's not the Hilton." He peeked over his shoulder and gave her an apologetic look before breaking into a smile and wriggling his eyebrows. "You'll be safe though. There are no panties to steal here, unless you count the nasty collection over the bar," he winked.

Mae didn't bother holding in her laughter. Her cheeks stung as she threw herself back on the bed with a sigh. "I'm exhausted."

"You should sleep. In the morning we'll get breakfast and meet up with Juice to set up your place."

"Are you staying?" She sat up as he stepped toward the door. "Please?"

"I wasn't leaving," he clicked the door lock, "Just making sure no drunks try to bust in."

"I really appreciate this." She stood and unzipped her bag. "Can you turn around while I change?"

Opie chuckled and sat at the desk keeping his eyes glued to the wall as Mae undressed. He heard her bare feet on the floor and smiled at her quiet little footsteps. She pulled on her oversized Metallica T-shirt and pair of grey linen Capri pants.

"It's safe." She said as she sat on the bed again. "I'm decent."

"Do you want anything?" He pointed off in the general direction of the main room. "Beer or something?"

"No." She looked away shyly. "Can you sit with me?"

Opie lumbered over to her and, throwing his cut over the desk chair, sat on the far corner of the mattress. The bed squeaked under his weight and Mae curled her feet up beneath her.

"I know what you're going to ask. I'll tell you my shit, it's about my wife Donna."

Mae's heart fell. "Shit," she crawled over to where he sat, "I know about Donna." Mae said. "Kip was really horrified by it. I am so sorry, Ope."

Drawing his head back, he looked from her to the ground. He wasn't expecting that, at all, and he didn't know how to react. Untying his boots, Opie kicked off his boots and forced himself to look at her again.

"How much do you know?" He craned his neck around to face her.

"Not a lot." Mae swung her legs around and hung her feet off the side of the bed. She sat beside him but left a few inches just in case he needed the space. "Literally just that she was killed, I didn't even know she was your wife, not until you said it."

"Yeah. Things were shitty, they'd been bad since I got out of Chino, but when she died, I just broke. It was the guilt, our issues were because of how deep she carried her hate for SAMCRO and we ended up being why she died. I've been picking up shit since it happened, fixing things with my kids and diving into the club."


Opie shook his head. "Even Donna didn't get me. Trying to mend shit with my kids is," he pulled his beanie down over his ears. "I was starting to think I couldn't feel shit anymore, I'm isolated and alone."

"Some people don't want to feel shit." Mae spoke softly unsure of what she could say that didn't sound like she was working in a therapy session. "You're not alone, not if you don't want to be. You have the club and me, if you want, we can be...friends."

Opie looked at her. Mae was sitting back from him a ways but her eyes were locked on the side of his face as he spoke. When their eyes met, she scooted closer and Opie whispered in a pained voice. "I don't want to be alone, Mae."

"Then you're not alone anymore."

His long fingers wrapped around her forearm and gave her a gentle tug closer as he leaned forward and kissed her. Opie ran his hand up her arm to her neck, his thumb tracing her jaw as they explored each other's mouths. With manicured nails, Mae scratched at the hair poking out of his beanie and as inched closer to him, pulled her lips from his.

"Will you just lay with me tonight? I don't think we're quite ready -"

Opie smiled and nodded, cutting her off. "I wasn't thinking that," he assured her. He wouldn't elaborate on his fears but he wasn't ready for any more intimacy that night. What they'd shared was still raw and they were both still healing. "Lay down," he nodded toward the pillows.

Awkwardly Mae crawled up the bed and when she buried herself under the covers Opie wasn't far behind. He laid behind her; his arm wrapped around her stomach, and closed his eyes. They both felt peace and acceptance for the first time in a too long of a time.


Awww! Let me know what you think! Thanks for the support! xoxo

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