Chapter 16

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I could not wait to post this! Eek! Xo


"Where are the kids?" Mae asked as she and Opie hurried into his house. It was quiet, even more so than when the children were sleeping. There was usually a hum about the place but it was silent now.

He smirked, "I sent them to spend a few days with my mom. We don't get along but they got close when Donna died so I figured it gets them out of Charming while I handle this shit and gives them time with her."

"Shit," she dropped down onto the couch. "I didn't even think of your kids being at risk."

"Don't worry about it, Mae. The fact that they're MY kids is the real danger." He laughed at himself and grabbed two beers. "Ah, shit."


"Landline," he pointed to the phone setup and the little red light blinking. "We never use that fucking phone, haven't in years, the only calls we get now are sales shit and people I probably don't want to hear from."

"Oh," Mae beamed. "I forgot to tell you that Hale called me. They're not pressing charges."

Excited, he hit the play button and grinned as Hale relayed the same messaged for Opie. "That little fucking prick is probably so pissed." Deleting the message, he made his way to the couch and pulled Mae to her feet and into a celebratory hug. "See, it's all working out."

"Can I tell you something?"

"Shoot," he said as they both sat back down.

"Now that it's over, no charges or anything, it was kind of exciting."

"Oh shit," he laughed. "Thrill seeker?"

"Not at all, I hate feeling scared or worried but I can look back on it and laugh now. Kind of..."

"Let's keep you out of a jail cell from now on, alright?"

"I guess I can just relive my memory if I get bored." Looking at his hands covered in numerous little scars and knuckles perpetually swollen from over use and fractures she looked at him with an interest he hadn't seen before. "You weren't kidding about your kids and you being the real danger were you?"

"Being SAMCRO puts a target on my back and my family's. Most crews don't fuck with kids but you never know."

"How does one become an outlaw biker?" Curling her feet up she turned toward him on the couch. "What were you looking for when you found them?"

Opie drew his head back and his face twisted as he thought on her words. "Nothing. It's all I've ever wanted since I was a kid. Me and Jax, our dads kind of paved the way for us. It was never a question, I always knew I'd patch, it's really all I know."

"That's kind of sweet."

"And kind of sad."

Opie looked at her, he examined her. First, the few random strands of white streaking her hair, her porcelain skin and the shadows dancing on her face, then the crooked smile and her eyes with the crystalline shade of blue he'd fallen in love with already, and he wondered what it was about this girl that made him feel so comfortable in his own skin. With Lyla, everything was a chore; conversation, physical affection, it all felt wrong in one way or another. Never with Mae though. He kissed her out of the blue and tugged her onto his lap.

"If we're going to cuddle and watch movies can I borrow something to wear? Pencil skirts and blouses aren't very comfortable." She spoke timidly, almost embarrassed, as she felt his erection growing against her. She wanted him, she was just terrified about taking that step.

"Yeah, sure. Let's find you something." Taking her hand he led her up the stairs to his bedroom. "This okay?" He asked as he handed her a SOA shirt and a pair of boxers.

"As long as they're clean." She giggled and waved them in his face. "Kind of funny though. Mind if I change in the bathroom? You can change in here and we'll meet up?" The joke was awful but they both laughed anyway.

Mae changed and when she stepped out, his boxers still in her hand, Opie changed into basketball short and a t-shirt. Her breasts bounced as she moved closer to him trying to be nonchalant but ready to explode inside.

"Remember what I said about not being ready?"

"I do." Her ass peeked out from her panties, his shirt hardly covering her completely, as she dropped her bra and his boxers on the bed, and Opie couldn't help but stare.

"It was because I'm so used to," she paused to find the right word, "Things not working out. I never clicked with anyone the way I do with you."

Opie couldn't keep from smiling wickedly as she moved slowly over toward him. "And now?"

"Now I'm wondering how you're feeling about it, you said you weren't ready either."

"I'm very fucking ready." He said, lifting her and guiding her legs around his waist. "Are you?"

"Oh yeah, I am." She kissed him. "Don't you," she asked seductively, "Think we click?"

"Yep," he said hurriedly as he laid her down on the bed. "We definitely click."

His hands were rough as he pushed up her shirt, running his palm along her stomach, Opie kissed her and began massaging her breast. Mae whimpered as he suckled her neck, his fingers twisting and pinching her nipples. His touch was gentle as he hovered over her but she was more eager, pulling his shirt off him with one strong tug. He growled into her mouth, the sound vibrated in his chest so hard she could feel it.

Slowly they wriggled out of their clothes before their lips crashed together again. Opie kissed down her neck to her nipples teasing her and grunting into her skin as she stroked him slowly. Without their lips separating, Opie straightened up on his knees, leaning back on his feet, and guided her to sit and straddle him. Mae grinned, never having been with a man in that position, and pressed her feet against the foot of his bed to brace herself as he entered her. She gasped and moaned and his eyes rolled back in his head at the feel of her, tight and wet around him. Supporting Mae with a strong firm hand on the small of her back, Opie moved his hips as Mae bounced with him and they found their rhythm.

"Ope." Mae whimpered, wrapping her arms his neck and quickened her hips continuing to grind on him. Her hair stuck to her back as her skin grew sticky with sweat.

The air around them was electric, the position intense as they held each other tight and shared consistent but short moments of eye contact. Mae's slender fingers tugged on his hair as he slipped his hand between them and caressed her, eager to bring her to orgasm. Curling his toes Opie knew he wouldn't last much longer. Mae threw her head back and called out his name as she came, Opie following her as he finally allowed himself the release he'd be aching for.

"Fuck," she moaned. "Let me go." He did and she dropped back, her legs still around him, out of breath and deliriously happy.

Moving her legs he crawled over her and kissed her, it was slower now less need and more passionate. "You want to make me a sandwich?" The question was clearly a joke, Opie's voice lighter than ever before.

Mae laughed so hard she snorted and slapped his bare ass. "Yeah right, I can barely move. That was awesome. I liked that, it was like we were hugging...with our whole bodies."

"I just wanted to look at you." Throwing himself down beside her Opie pulled her over and Mae rested her head on his shoulder.

"You can look at me whenever you want." She said sleepily and Opie protectively wrapped his arm around her. "Night, Ope."

"Goodnight, Mae."

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