Chapter 35

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Mae waited. She hated waiting but it was even worse while she was still feeling the Oxy, however minimal, because now she was paranoid too. The room was cold, in style and temperature, and little goosebumps formed up and down her arms. She knew she'd have to stop and not just try but actually stop she had no choice. There was no way she'd be taking anything while caring for Opie's kids, she couldn't risk it and she'd never betray his trust.

There were constant buzzers and slam of cells as she waited. Her mind wandered, she couldn't help but think on how different it was in life than on TV. Opie wasn't waiting for her, it wasn't as clean or brightly lit, and she was more terrified than anyone ever seemed to be.

When he walked in, fully expecting Tara or Gemma there to tell him Mae refused, his heart sped up as his green eyes focused on her.

"Mae," he smiled a little as the guard pushed him to sit across from her. "I didn't think you'd come."

"Well, I was going to wait two weeks," she smirked. "Of course I came, Ope. What the hell happened?"

She reached across the table but he pulled back and shook his head. "I can't touch you."

"Oh." She screwed her eyes shut and remembered the guard stating numerous times, no physical contact except a brief hug before leaving. "I forgot, sorry."

"You talk to Tara?"

"I did. I can watch them, I'll be awkward probably and they'll think I'm lame but they'll be feed properly and everything."

"Thank you. You can stay at my place. It's probably easier that way. You'll be fine, you'd be a good mom anyway, babysitting is easy."

Mae nodded and tried not to cry. "Why are you here, Ope?"

"Somehow the DA got a hold of those pictures." He spoke low. "It's all bullshit." The words were added for anyone who happened to manage to hear him.

"Jude." Mae whispered. "This is my fault."

"No." Opie said firmly and, despite the rule, gave her hands a squeeze. "This ain't your fault. Someone's got it out for us, you had nothing to do with it."

"I'm sorry." There was holding the tears back. "I'm sorry for Jude and this shit, I'm sorry for the stupid two week thing. I'm sorry."

"Don't cry, Mae. Please don't cry."

Feeling selfish, she nodded and wiped her face. "Do you want me to bring the kids up?"

"If they want, I don't want them to be scared or some shit. I'll tell Lowen to get you temporary custody. I'll only be in here for a few weeks."

"And if you're not?"

"I'll be out. I promise you, baby, I'm getting out."

"Okay and when you do, we'll pick up where we left off before all this shit. I should never have pushed you away."

"I just want you to smile again." He said as the guard wanted them all of the remaining two minutes.

"Like this?" She smiled, goofy and wide, with a few tears left in the corner of her eyes.

"Yeah." Opie chucked, despite the pain he felt, and smiled sweetly across the table.

"Next time I'll come up early. I'm lucky I didn't get pulled over trying to get here in time to see you."

The guard slammed his nightstick against the wall and Opie stood, motioning for Mae to follow. Once a guard gave him the okay, Opie envelopes her in his arms and breathed her in as long as he could. Mae's scent was almost intoxicating and he needed it before heading back to general population.

"I love you." He said and, knowing the guard was lenient and less bloodthirsty than the rest, sneaked a kiss as they pulled apart.

"I love you too, Ope. Please be safe."

Hesitantly, with tears burning her eyes again, Mae made her way from the prison to Jax and Tara's. She turned down the invitation for dinner and awkwardly greeted the kids.

"Hey guys." She smiled bright but Kenny and Ellie just stared at her. "Alright. We'll let's grab some pizza and head back to your house okay?"

Nodding they headed toward the door and thanked Tara. "If I need anything can I call you?"

"They're not in diapers, Mae and they have no food allergies or illnesses. You'll be fine."

"Yeah. I guess better this age than a baby." She shrugged and, after a goodbye hug, Mae made her way to the curb where she parked. The kids climbed in and she reached in the glove box. Taking the bottle, she tipped the remaining pills into her hand and dumped them down the sewer. She was determined to make this work. "Alright, let's go home, guys."


That's it! Thanks for all the support guys! Part two, I'll Catch You, is up now! Check it out! xoxo

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