Chapter 27

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The next morning, a day and a half after Mae's attack. Unser received a phone call he truly didn't expect to get. Patterson was going to look into prosecuting the case and while she wasn't charging Opie with murder she wanted to keep him locked up until she made her decision. There was no doubt she wanted to look over the evidence and even gauge public opinion by reading up on any published articles about the brutal attack. Unser called Jax first before even talking to Opie and it was a good thing. Jax was almost positive he could work something out and Opie would be out by lunch.

Even though Hale had said he'd owe them a favor, the last thing he wanted to do was talk to the DA or even have to pull his father I got the mess. Hale had some pull, promising to back the Patterson during her next election, but he needed the power that Judge Hale held after retirement.

"Of course sir," Patterson stuttered. "I see what you mean, I hadn't been looking at it from that angle."

"It's taken care of." Hale grumbled as Jax and Chibs whispered back and forth. "He should be released in a few hours."


When Opie was given his cut, beanie and rings back he cracked the smallest of smiles. It felt good to have them back on, he felt far too exposed with them.

"Do I want to know how this got worked out?"

Unser pointed out the front doors where most of the club had assembled and rolled his eyes. "You'll get a better answer from them."

As Opie stepped out into the sunlight the club began a round of applause as they sat and leaned on Unser's squad car.

"Good to see you." Clay greeted Opie first, as President, before the others have him rough hugs and welcoming words.

"What the hell did you pull?" He asked Jax quietly just barely relieved to be out again.

Jax smirked a little and rubbed his jaw as Rat rolled Opie's bike off the flatbed. "Hale had a few words for the DA. Political shit."

"Thank you, Jax."

"Of course, brother. You going to see her?"

"I have to. Is she up?"

"Not as of this morning. I haven't talked to Tara though."

"Alright. I'm out. I don't need you to come either, I'm good. I got this."


"They want to talk to you. I can push it off for a few days but it's probably going to have to happen before you're released."

Tara spoke softly as if that would help with the fact Mae was going go have to relive the attack but she could see it didn't.

"Okay." The word was distorted by Mae's swollen cheeks and lips. "Any word on Ope?"

"Jax was going to meet him a little while ago. He's getting out and they won't charge him."

Mae closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Since she had woken a few hours before and realized he wasn't there she was worried about him. "Thank God." She smiled as much as she could. "Thank you, Tara."

"Are you okay?"

"No." She said sadly. "I probably won't be for a while. I remember it. I remember the way they smelled, the sounds, the taste when they," Mae was unable to continue. "But if anyone asks, I don't, I don't remember any of it." The tears burned her face as she tried to compose herself.

"Yeah." She nodded even though she felt she had no choice. How could she go against Mae's wishes in such a situation? "Even Opie?" Her eyes caught his huge frame in the hall chatting with Gemma who was there for another of Abel's tests.

"I'm not sure about him so yeah tell him I don't remember."

"Actually, you'll have to decide soon. He's ghosting the hall."

"Shit. I don't think I'm ready for that." She settled in her bed and closed her eyes, peeking at Tara with one. "I'm sleeping okay?"

"Mae, don't you think you should talk to him?"

Shaking her head, Mae held in the truth. She didn't want to see Opie. She didn't want to talk to Opie. She wanted to curl up and disappear into herself not be pitied and babied or even worse be disgusting to him after what happened.

"Please, Tara." She whispered. "I can't."

When Opie stepped into the room as Tara was leaving she gave him a quick update on Mae's injuries. "She's sleeping, she needs it. Try not to wake her."

He nodded somberly and hesitantly moved to her bedside. She didn't look like herself and Opie felt his rage and sorrow begin to battle it out inside him.

"I'm so sorry, babe." He whispered as he pulled his beanie off and gently put it on her head. It was like her security blanket and he knew she loved wearing it. "I love you." Kissing her fingertips as they peeked out from her cast he sat and settled in for a long wait.

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