Chapter 32

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Mae slowly felt the pills begin to take effect as she chomped on her hastily thrown together late lunch. Only half finished, she pushed the plate away and slowly went up to the bathroom with a lit cigarette dangling from her mouth. She took the pills to give herself a break, to forget Opie and Jude, and just to live without the obsessive and overwhelming thoughts plaguing her. She sank into the warm water with a smile and relaxed back against the tub. Even without the drugs, she could never imagine what Opie was doing at that moment, whether he promised her or not.

"Hey Mitch."

Opie grabbed Mitchell by his neck and flung him out onto the ground at the mill. It was deserted and far off the main roadways. They'd have all the privacy they needed.

"Goddamn it." Mitchell knew exactly who Opie was especially after watching him for weeks upon weeks. The earliest assumption, Jude had help, was true and that help was Mitchell Jacoby. "This was all Jude's beef. I knew Mae didn't snitch."

"But you raped her anyway." Opie growled barely an inch from his face. "You still stalked her and you beat her."

Scrambling to get away did nothing. Mitchell kicked his way backward and right into Happy. The New Yorker looked up to see him, his face upside down, glaring back at him with a menacing, terrifying grin.

"Where you going?" He growled as he kicked the man back toward Opie.

"You shoulda ran a while ago."

"I had to wait." He admitted. "I'm trying to take Jude's body back to New York for his family."

Opie laughed heartily at that. "After I kill you, I'll piss on his fucking body. He deserves to rot in some fucking landfill, with you."

"I didn't rape her." He said quickly. "I followed you guys, her too, set up shit for Jude but I didn't rape her."

"You didn't?" Opie asked feigning interest.

"No. I swear."

"So now you're calling Mae a liar?" He sneered, kicking dirt up in Mitchell's face.

"She remembers?" He stuttered in shock. "Fuck. I'm so sorry. I didn't think she was awake. I just, I couldn't help it."

With an almighty roar, Opie picked up Mitchell and hurled him into the side of some random milling machinery. "Weak fucking pussy piece of shit."

"Come on man, I got money, cash. I'll pay you if you just let me go."

"Where's the cash?"

"My motel." He stuttered as he gave them the address and Bobby and Tig immediately jumped into action and headed out to retrieve the money.

"If it's there," Opie said calmly, "I'll let you go."

"Shit man, thank you. It's all there, like fifteen grand in cash, it's yours."

Opie watched with intrigue as Mitchell continued to talk. He couldn't believe this guy really thought he'd just let him go for that money. Maybe he was that soulless and shallow of a man but Opie couldn't imagine anyone caring so little for their girl to sell her out.

"Would you do it if you were me?" Opie asked, his fists shaking, as he waited for the call from Bobby. "Let the guy who raped your girl go for fifteen grand?"

Even Mitchell knew, despite his lack of common sense, that this question was heavily loaded. "I don't know. I never had a steady girl."

Snarling, Opie turned his back on Mitchell as Jax's phone began to ring. The money was there, all of it, along with a hefty amount of illegal narcotics. He and Tig took everything and packed Mitchell's last few things before heading out leaving the room empty.

"Money and drugs. Nice haul." Jax said with a smile and a nod for Opie. "Go ahead, brother."

"I would never," Opie pulled his gun out and shot Mitchell in both knees, "Choose cash over my girl."

While wailing in pain Mitchell made Opie smile. "Please. I gave you everything I have."

"All I want is to take back the shit that happened to her but I can't." Two more shots directly in the stomach then one in the crotch.

As Mitchell grew louder and louder, Jax nudged Opie on. "Come on, brother."

Disappointed, and feeling much less satisfied than he had hoped, Opie shot Mitchell in the face and trudged off back toward his bike.

"You alright?" Jax called after him but Opie simply waved him off.

When he left, Opie drove by Mae's to see only her bathroom light on. She had passed out in the tub and when she awoke the water was freezing thanks to the air conditioner blowing around her constantly.

"Oh shit." She crawled out and wrapped the towel tight around her. "I feel better," she realized as she looked at her bruised and stitched face in the mirror. She didn't feel the need to take more but there was no doubt in Mae's mind if it got to be too much she'd pop a pill or two before going about her day. It was late so she threw some clothes in and crawled into bed.

"I miss you." She texted Opie wishing, for once, that he was there. "Can you come over?"

The text got to him not long after passing her house. He stopped, pulled over and checked himself for blood, or anything that would tip her off, before racing back to be with her. Using his key, Opie opened the door and announced himself as to not scare her, and went quickly up the steps.

"Hey babe." He whispered, kicking his boots off and undressing. "You alright?"

She nodded meekly and pulled the covers down. "Just wanted to see you. Come cuddle with me."

He didn't question it. Opie jumped in bed with her and held her close, his strong arms wrapped around her, and Mae nuzzled against his chest.

"Your kids okay?"

"They're fine."

"I love you, Ope."

"I love you too, Mae."

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