Chapter 14

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Hale stepped into Unser's office fully expecting to be reamed out for what was happening but the older man seemed calm.

"You send the evidence out to Lodi?" Unser asked while never looking up from his desk.

"I did, analyses to confirm what it is and prints for the bags."

"Prints?" Now Unser looked up. "Why prints?"

"They both claim it was planted," he huffed. "I can't ignore that and the call I received. It doesn't sit right."

That was a relief. Unser had been truly concerned for Hale and the path he'd been on. "Then book them and release them, press charges when the results come back from Lodi."

"The girl, she's a federal employee, works for the VA." Hale said, his voice suddenly heavy with concern.

"This arrest will ruin her career," Unser said ominously. "You ready for that?"

"I'm not booking them. I'll let them go and move forward when I heard from the lab." There was almost a tone of disappointment from Hale.

"You're doing the right thing," Unser assured him.


"I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was so scared at first then just really mad. Both were equally suffocating."

The usual nervous uncertainty when it came to physical affection between them was gone for that moment. Mae charged back into the cell and threw her arms around Opie.

"I'm sure you did fine." He smoothed her hair down her back as he held her close. "What did he say?"

"Not much. Brought up my arrest from college like an ass. I wasn't even charged, I'm so mad."

Opie had to smile at her angry little voice and word choice. The woman never cursed and to hear it was hilarious and even adorable to him.

"We'll fight this. I can deal with a possession charge I don't want you to have to."

"I won't. I'll get canned in a second, Ope." She looked up and could see his face change. "It's not your fault, it's mine. He's my mess." In the moment telling Hale seemed like a good idea but now Mae regretted mentioning any of it. "I kind of told Hale I thought I knew who was setting us up."

"You what?" He stepped back and shook his head. "What did you tell him?"

"That I thought I knew, that's it. He had to go talk to the chief or somebody and he said we'd discuss it later."

Opie nodded, his jaw tight, and headed to sit on the uncomfortable little cot. "You can't tell him, Mae. If he brings it up tell him you were wrong and that's it."

"Yeah, okay. I was just trying to help you, help us."

"That's not going to help us." He pulled an annoyed face. "From now on, let me deal with this, okay?"

Embarrassed, she nodded. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be but this is what I do."

Eglee reappeared without the usual jingling of keys to warn of her approach. "You're free to go. Hale said depending on what the lab reports read, they'll be pressing charges. You know the deal, Opie." She frowned. "No out of town, okay?"

"Yeah, thanks."

"Miss Callahan, Deputy Chief would like to talk to you again."

"No, thank you but I'll pass."

Eglee looked between them with her eyebrows raised high into her hairline. "Alright. Same goes for you, no running."



"Where do you want to go?" Opie asked, pulling his gloves on and handing her his helmet.

"Home." She frowned. "I'm tired. I'm really sorry about tonight, about all this crap."

Opie raised his hand and shook his head, he didn't want her apologies or the pitiful way she looked at him. "Stop with that shit. You didn't do anything. Are you gonna be okay at home alone? You haven't stayed there since the break-in."

"I'll survive. It's my house, I don't have a choice."

"I can stay with you." He suggested. "Please don't be upset over this." Placing heavy hands on her shoulders he looked at her with his intense green eyes sparking at her, charming her even further. "It's nothing compared to the shit I've gone up against, I promise."

"I feel like an idiot and I'm scared of drug charges and the fallout. I'm not used to being the useless needy one. I've always handled stuff myself."

"You're not useless. This just isn't your thing and that's good. You don't always have to handle shit either, let me take care of this for you."

Trying desperately not to smile she puckered her lips and dropped her head. "Okay."

"Look at me," he guided her eyes to his again. "You got nothing to worry about. You're with me now." Bending a little, he kissed her as their arms snaked around one another and held tight.


I know the picture isn't exactly him and Mae but hey, it's close enough and I love it!

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