Chapter 6

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Mae screwed her eyes shut as she listened to the guns and the screeching tires; she was so scared she hadn't even realized she was holding her breath. Finally, the shooting stopped and the screaming turned into tiny murmurs as the attendees checked themselves and their loved ones for wounds. The commotion may have seemed dead and gone for Mae and those hidden behind walls, trees and cars but for the cops and MC members it was still very much alive. One of the shooters was caught but Jax couldn't contain his rage.

When she peeked out front behind the car she saw Opie hauling Jax up from the ground as he fought desperately to continue his assault on one shooter. Her eyes roamed over the mass of people, most still crouched and cowering, and thankfully, she couldn't see anyone who had been hurt.

"Mae?" She heard her name called with a sense of urgency that surprisingly made her heart thump in her chest.

"Opie," she stood to see him moving briskly back to her spot. "Jesus." Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around his waist for a moment before quickly calming and stepping back.

"Are you okay?" His long, awkward fingers ghosted over her eyebrow where a few tiny drops of blood were drying.

"I'm...I'm fine." She said with a shaky, weak voice. "I bumped my head." She explained pressing her palm to her forehead. "Are you okay? What the hell happened?"

"I don't know." He looked around and saw Tara being ushered away with the other women. Opie pressed his hand to her lower back. "Let me take you home."

"But the cops," she protested. "They'll need statements."

Opie looked at her surprised at her calm thought process but shook his head. "It's fine. You didn't see anything anyway."

Without arguing, she moved her little legs as fast as she could. Opie led her toward Clay who stood with his face buried in his hands as he looked at the disaster before him.

"Prez," Opie mumbled. "You need me here?"

He shook his head. "No. We'll handle this in the daylight." There was sorrow and disgust in his voice. "There's too much going on right now."

Without another word, Opie headed back toward his bike. Mae climbed on the back and held on tight as he took off down the street before Unser had even realized it. He'd smooth it over in the morning; Clay was right there was far too much chaos.

A few blocks from the funeral home Opie realized he wasn't supposed to know where she lived. At a red light, he hollered to her over the roar of his engine and she gave him quick directions. It didn't take long to get to Mae's, Charming wasn't a large place and he was nowhere near the speed limit.

When they arrived Mae hesitantly climbed off his bike. "Do you want to come in?"

"Sure." He swung his leg over and grabbed her hand. "You look more scared than before, was it the ride?"

"No," Mae looked at her house. "I'm just freaked out, just a little."

She walked him up the path, her eyes darting around anxiously. The house was small, she'd unpacked but the place was still looking slightly empty.

"I don't have any beer." She said apologetically as he popped down onto a stool and leaned his elbows on the breakfast bar. "But I have OJ."

"That's good."

"Can I tell you a secret?" She asked with her back to him as she poured his juice. "I may have had an ulterior motive asking you here."

Opie pursed his lips as she handed him the glass. "Oh yeah? Guess my company ain't that great."

"Oh no, it is and you saved my life tonight but I'm usually too shy for this. There's been some break-ins in the neighborhood and uhh, you make me feel safe so I thought I'd ask you to check the place out."

"I should add bodyguard to my resume." The glass clinked on the counter as he stood and pulled his gun from his pants. It wasn't loaded, the entire clip was not spread out on the lawn of the funeral home but it looked better than no weapon at all. The request made Opie feel good but her words about safety even more so.


I broke this chapter into a few parts as it was getting long and I wanted to get it to you guys. Part two is coming soon! Xoxo

Comments/votes please!

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