The past

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Liam POV                                                                      I was at the park and seen an little girl getting bullied by a group of boys crying "Hey leave her alone or I'll kick your butts"I said and the boys ran away from the girl I walked up to the girl "Hi your safe now so so stop crying"I said and gave her a hug to stop the crying "My name is Liam what is your name" I asked her "My name is Jennie" She said her name and I couldn't help but to smile "That Is a pretty name for a girl like you"I said and she blush I could feel my heartbeat fast like it can Explore Any minute. Jennie POV I was walking in the park with my sister and friends but a group of boys come up to me and started to hit me and hold my friends back from my sister got away from them to tell our mom but they didn't come back fast enough then I heard a boy voice "hey leave her alone or ill kick your butts"he said the boys that were holding me and my friends ran away from us when they seen his face "hi your safe so so stop crying" he said "my name is Liam what is your name"he asked me when he hugged me " my name is Jennie" I said "that's a pretty name for a girl like you" he said I can feel my face burning I looked at my friends and they had a smirk on their face

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