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So is your know I was working on a reboot of the store we right here it will be better in my opinion the plot and description in cover has changed I have added more characters since it first came out it is pretty much you don't think I can think of or tell you guys that I would be important is that this book is self is going to be like a chapter book so chapter 1 will have like nine pages to it and chapter 2 probably have like 16 pages or something.Think of is I hope that you guys like this reboot it's out now at least the first page of the first chapter everything else is out is meant for you to read as you're going on throughout the book like the first few little bit of detail that is important to the story like the characters the description first backstory that shows you weirdos started off but didn't show you the triggering point to where the characters are now are all the things this in this out right now other than that first page for chapter 1 is out second page should be out in the next unless a 10 days probably depending on my school schedule I'll probably do it over the weekends you know the part of this probably gonna be something that happens will get done during the weekend but other than that I mean since the work probably done during the weekends it's probably not gonna be published until the weekend after that week or sometime during the week unless it's like a half day then I'll probably work on it a lot more than two and I'll probably work on it on holidays like Christmas Thanksgiving and stuff. no like I said it is at work on it through the weekends and all of that I want you guys to like work with me let me know in the comments or a little comment thing I'm not sure what to call it yet if I should do like a quick one shot you know post one every day till I can get the actual story out I also like to hear you guys is opinions for the stories and all that no give me like an ideal for one shots that should do like I'm talking about like one shots that was one part is a one story next person another story and then maybe if I feel like it's good enough you guys Katina ask for more I'll Padua park once they want to try a part two to it and then never never know for real for real. so like I was saying this story right here Alicia page to the chapter 1 should be out pretty soon I know for a fact I'm working on it right now I did have to do it to delete it and rewrite it a little bit because I came up with different ideas but ideas that I feel like you guys don't like it because how I was right before I was like yeah and then it's like now I want it I wanna do some better for it. as a quick disclaimer in the story no one is a bodyguard but I'm not you know there will be a lot of mythical things going on a lot of real world crime and all that it may be a little while but I've had to give you the warnings as the story is going on. what should I say go on the page my page people are more reserved it should be the only other pic of it should be the only story that besides this one that is out there's other think of Risa right now for this whole thing and the thing is probably oh probably give you guys like the warnings and all that in the story this is no this is not the only project that I probably working on I'm probably gonna start working on a different project sometime after this one I will give you a quick heads up the project I'm working on the on this book that I'm talking about is probably going to have 60 chapters up to 1000 pages or pears thousand pages not telly sure yet why am sure because I already wrote it out and all that but yeah that's really all I got say you know a parlay won't save old is right now but like I want you guys if you're going to vote on it you know so I'll give me stars and all that I would probably say do that after chapter 1 is done because he could get a grip on the story for offer up because that's what happened with the first story you guys just got one page a few pages and that I wasn't really put it out there much and then I was like oh I already got this mini M likes and all that and it was already on the leaderboard so I say we switch lite chapter 2 major tuition late chapter 3 to like actually vote for the story and all that because it's a little messy and if you don't and if you vote early only like chapter 1 and all day that's good you just don't go after the first page of all I get a six page. oh and one more thing I am getting a new phone and I will have to make a new Wattpad when I get there phone because I forgot the password to this one and I got a change the email on this one but I don't have a new email yet so I get a new phone I will be right free right in the story so until then the copyright will be on I have all rights to the book Nadia can touch this book to reboot but you can touch this one right here when I do get this new account I will post a thing with a new account name on it the new profile picture and the story will be right over there so copyright will be on I would've changed it now but I will have to make a new account on this phone I'll get right now and then I also have to make a new password which I do not feel like doing it at all because it's a lot of work especially if I don't know the old password to make the new password and my phone is messing up a lot I am running out of storage I can't get it updated yet so when I get a new phone and the copyright thing will be up well to again for the copywriting will be up I will bring in the story over there I'll let you know the name and then I'll take the copyright down when the story is posted on the new account

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