Sweet taste of Freedom

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"Good morning everyone." I sing at the top of my voice as I enter the kitchen. My parents and brother were already awake.

"Someone's looking perky this morning." Mom teased. She was at the fridge getting out a bottle of water. Her outfit was a silver tracksuit. Her short hair was up in a cute bun and a sweatband on her forehead. Beads of sweat tricked down her neck. My best guess, she was back from her morning jog." Hmmmm, I wonder. Why is that?"

"Because I am back with the sweet taste of freedom." I said striking a pose to showcase my new outfit purchased from Paris. It was a bright peach dress with white stilettos." And baby, this look is here to stay."

"Show off." Cassidy grunted passing by me and sitting down on the the dinning with my dad who read a men's fashion magazine.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes as I skidded to the counter were KC was whisking batter in a bowl for pancakes." Sup KC." I chimed with most cherry voice, stuck my finger into a second bowl of strawberry syrup and licked it.

"Mmmmm." I felt like drooling." This is so good, KC. You are so skilled in making syrup and with just enough sugar to level the field." I dipped my hand into the bowl of batter and licked it." Yum. Mmhmm just the right amount of eggs and water. Oh, I think that you should ease up on the sugar. Wouldn't want someone to go hyper."

"Will somebody give this girl an A in food please." Cassidy announced looking around.

" Come on Sidy." I rolled my eyes and simpered." Don't be so jealous."

"Jealous. You must be crazy." She said with an attitude.

I shrugged and forgot about it. I dipped my finger into the bowl again and licked the batter.

"Whoa, whoa there Sandy. You can lick the batter after I am done making pancakes for breakfast." KC said shielding the bowl with his arms.

"But I'll lose interest." I reasoned dipping my hand in again.


"Smells great KC." Mom commented as we all sat down to eat.

" Thought I'd make something simply special." KC replied." Plus, it's been three months since I've touched the spatula. Guess my incredulous cooking skills felt neglected."

Cassidy and I exchanged meaningful glances while Mom muttered something's that I couldn't make out

"Still, I'm glad you cooked." I said in a lofty comment.

"Glad to hear it, Sandy." KC smiled.

Honestly! I don't know why people would ever insist on calling me Sandy. I get that it is derived from the sand in CAS SAND RA. But there are others, like, Cas or Cassie or Andra. Or even Sandra. But that's what I call my wolf.

"I am so excited." I squealed and played with my uneaten breakfast." Three more days of fun with Cassidy before heading back to the pack house."

"Don't get cute, Sandy." Cassidy said with her face on her phone screen." The only reason I agreed is to escape Mom."

"Why?" Mom eyebrow creased up in confusion.

"Isn't it obvious." Cassidy huffed rolling her eyes." The reason why I want to escape Mom is that I don't "jog" and "talk"."

"Well, Sidy's right." I joined in taking a sip from freshly squeezed lemon juice." Mom's such an athlete. Who knew witches could be so agile. And maybe none of you noticed but I think that Mom needs someone to fix her makeup. I mean, look at the details."

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