My Oh My

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It's weird you know. A girl sees a cute guy and bites her lips down to feel and look all seductive in front of him while he was meant for someone else. And that's what exactly what Amber was doing.

Though I am not saying Amber is weird. She is a real beauty with her glossy hair and slender build, She made me think of Barbie.

But still I couldn't believe that Amber had developed an eye for the poor guy even when he wasn't even her mate. It was driving me crazy.

"So that's him??"I inquired my brows raised a 'really' way. He was cute but not gorgeous. I wanted gorgeous."yep absolutely not my type."

"Finally." Katie said chewing on her onion ring." I get that he like gets many freaking attention than a hot fresher would, but that doesn't mean that everyone crushes on him."

"Awww." Cassidy teased." Baby Katie's scared to have a crush."

"I will repeat, I haven't mate out there." Katie's reminded firmly getting annoyed." I am not getting involved."

"Oh yeah," Danica sneered and looked to the side where Jason stood talking to his friend. We really couldn't see the whole face of his friend but still he looked cute from that view."we'll see about that. Jason hey Jason over here."

"What the fucking hell are you doing??" Katie demanded quietly.

Ask me Danica wasn't typically going to listen. When she had set her mind to something, she had every intent on finishing it." Jason over here." She continued on.

Jason looked over to her with a smile on his face. He whispered something to his friend who nodded and stayed seated in his seat. Then Jason started to walk towards us.

Katie was flaring like crazy, which actually surprised me as a matter of fact. Katie was the most softest, most gentle and loving person who hardly looses her cool.

Amber squealed with a faint paint of blush on her cheeks.

"I'm outta here." Katie declared preparing to get up and likely storm out of the pizza place and as for a bonus, showcasing the attitude to Jason that she doesn't want anything to do with him.

But as we always say. Too. Late. Jason was standing in front of our table  grinning at all of us.

"Hey Danica." He said tucking his hands in his pockets and grinning directly at Danica. A brow raised as I stared at them, they seemed to know each other well." Wassup."

Danica shrugged nonchalantly looking sideways at Katie with a sly look." Just chilling."

My other brow raised. ' just chilling' was her answer?? Gods, it didn't sound like her at all. It was like this Jason  changed her all of a sudden. Or hold on. . . . . Did Danny babe have a crush on him. O.M.G.

"Hey you wanna hang." Danica offered getting up and sitting with Katie and I so that Jason could squeeze in with Amber and Cassidy.

Amber had absolutely no problem with that at all. Neither did Cassidy, including me. But then Katie was giving Danica a venomous look that literally meant I would kill you bitch.

Jason made a face that showed that he was sorry. He chuckled nervously and itched the back of his neck." Yeah about that. Sorry but, I kinda planed that I would spend the day with my bestie and he is kinda waiting for me." He looked back at his best friend and sighed." Besides, Gab had a really bad temper and I think that he wouldn't be happy if I was to decline today and. . . . .. . I seriously don't wanna deal with his temper right now."

"Oh it's fine." Danica cooed sweetly at him. "Another time maybe."

I heard Katie release a big breath of relief after he had said that.

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