New Alpha Jerk

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Basically tapping my pencil on my desk, I surveyed the classroom. A quiz had been given out to us for about an hour and no one, obviously, did thier night reading because I was the only one that had completed the test.

Everyone was busy racking their brains for answers that wouldn't appear in thier sight no matter how hard they try. I turned to the windows, looking out at the gardens, getting bored. Getting peeved.

"Could you not do that?" Katie warned glaring at me." I'm trying to concentrate on the last question."

"Sorry," I groaned." I'm just so bored."

"So am I." Cassidy said. Unfortunately, she had also finished and had spent hours looking at nothing but the board of Biology drawings.

"I don't care you are bugging me. Both of you." Katie nagged again, frowning.

"What did I do?" Cassidy complained.

I rolled my eyes and slumped on the chair. I could feel my anger deteriorating.

" Why can't we just leave?" I glared at her with so much anger. Staying in a classroom this quiet was torture to me and my entire system. Then someone, this piece of shit had to put salt on the wound when he brushed pass me, toppling every book and paper that I had put together to the ground." What the hell is fucking wrong with you."

I stared up at the guy and noticed that it was Damien Darke. I knew him, he was the biggest jerk I had ever come across. He is cocky and ruthless, honestly I pretty feel bad for his future mate. He was also biggest asshole that really both physically and emotionally hurt Cas and I. He was our original scheduled bully when in middle school.

And I hated him. He was the kind of person that could make a vampire skin crawl. But guess what, fate really is a bitch  cuz Cas and I are always stuck with him. Whether on border patrols or party preparations.

"Are you blind?" I sneered glaring at him with so much hatred in my eyes that spat enough poison to make a squirrel go in shock.

He just stared at me with this plain smug look. Not a smile or that annoying smug smirk on his face.

GOD. I even hated that lock of brown hair that usually fell over his eyes whenever he was bent looking for something in his locker. Which a beside mine, I mean, fate is a freaking bitch!!!! Init??

"Not really, barring that I'm not the one who lacks the sanity to arrange their work in a good order " His mock innocent,  completely annoying tone of voice just adds more spice to my anger all ready boiling.

I squeeze harder on the pencil in my hand." Shouldn't you be out training the pups Damien?" I heard out biology teacher, Miss Wooly ask him." You are done with your test right?"

My brows pinched together as did Cas as we stared at her." Isn't training the pups an Alphas job, Mrs Wooly." Cas asked.

" Well of course." Miss Wooly smiled." Didn't your father tell you. Damien is the new alpha."

A wave of chills spills in every part of my body as my entire system is filled with so much mixed emotions.

"WHAT!!!!!!" Both Cas, Katie, Danica, Amber and I screamed our throat out.

" Damien... Is...No." Cas said shaking her head.

" Yes." Damien simply said, now the smug smirk had appeared on his lips.

" No." Cas said again in a whisper to which he heard.

"Yes." He said again, also in a whisper.

" Bullshit." Cas declared getting up instantly along with her test script and began to head for the door. On her way out she dropped her script roughly on Miss Wooly's desk.

" Where are you going?" I called after her.

"To see a director about an unnerving situation." She growled striding out of the room.

" Oh no, she's gonna kill Dad." I said get up and getting my work that was littered to the ground. " KC?"

"Yeah, coming." He said packing things up too. We both submitted our test scripts and ran after Cassidy.

But when we made it to Dad's office we were too late, Cas was unleashing hell on him, screaming her objections and cursing his dumb decisions. Dad, on the other had, didn't seem the least perturbed. He's been in this position before, nothing scares him and definitely not his daughter.

We entered the office just to see a side of his office in a mess; a mess she made. Both of them didn't even spare us a glance.

" Why can't you just cooperate with Damien for once, Cas?" Dad whines." I thought we were past this childish hatred for him?"

" I wont cooperate because Damien Darke is nothing but a spoiled brat who cares about absolutely nothing and a bully who pounces when he doesn't get what he wants." She shot back, banging her fist on his table

" Watch your mouth honey, you are speaking about the last descendant of the Alphas in this pack, the only person with that blood running through his veins." He growled." I'm sorry honey, but there is nothing that I can do. The law is the law."

" Screw the law Dad. We both know that you've never played it nice before." She began to sob." Why have you changed. Why can't you defy this?"

" Sadly it is above me " He sighed  reaching out for Cas's hand." I'm sorry jellybean, but I can't let your dislike for him ruin the chance of this pack ever finding a new alpha."

" Bullshit." She mumbled and whirled around in her heels and staggered out the door.

When she had gone Dad looked at both KC and I and then sighed." What am I going to do now?"

As for me, that anger of the decision was indeed swirling through every part of my body, but it was Cas that had suffered severely under the mockery and painful shoves and words performed by him. Words that could damage your soul and rip your control into shreds.

" I'll go talk to her." I groaned leaving the office and walking after her.

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