Love is Weird

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"Hey guys." We all heard his voice as he approached our seat.

He was dressed in a simple sweatpants and a grey hoodie. His smile was warm and friendly. I loved it. Now I was feeling really bad about the morning. But he didn't seem to remember it anymore. A relief.

His hair was a bit tousled as if he had been running for hours. And I think he was. The neck and back of his hoodie was saturated with sweat. I frowned, it wasn't like him to jog when he had a lot if work to fill in for alpha work since he was the beta and we didn't quite have an alpha yet. Our last one died in the last war that we had.

You know, it felt like torture to everyone, not having an alpha and being scared that there was no constant leader to protect our pack.

" KC." Danica chimed in cheerily. A sweet little smile on her perfect lips." Are you stalking us??"

KC laughed at her irony shaking his head in amusement. I smiled, he was so calm unlike me. I awed him so much, he was cool and gentle but strong and strict at times. He was the second strongest in our pack, if anyone deserved to be alpha, it should be him. But unfortunately, it is the werewolf law that if an alpha dies the next male siblings takes up the mantle.

He showed us the brown paper bag of the pizza place special that was in one of his hands." Not a crime to feed my wolf his favourite is it."

He turned to Katie who was busy popping all the french fries into her mouth as if they were all going to run away if she didn't take any action soon." Hello Katie."

Wow. That strained hello sounded a bit off.

"H- hey." She croaked looking down.

"Were you jogging." Amber interrupted his gaze. He averted them and slowly let it land on Amber, a smile on his lips as he hummed an answer." Or was it your mom that made you??"

He chuckled running a hand through his messy hair." No I uh. . . . Just needed some space, fresh air helps me think."

"Are you still worried about this whole mate thing that Mom mentioned last night." Cassidy asked, a hint of worry evident in her face.

Hold on. What mate  thing?? How much did I miss when I was away??

He didn't answer the question but stood there immobile. His eyes glued to floor the whole time. He had been quiet for a while, it was bothering me.

He just shrugged." I have to find a mate soon, eventually. Its gonna make me stronger and that's what I need to protect the pack."

" But you are strong enough to protect the pack." Katie's little voice cut in. A smile on her face. KC however didn't seem to believe that. He shrugged again.

" I gotta go." He announced finally sighing." There are some files that I need to check out, and maybe consider helping mom out with the preparations. She's going crazy over them. See you at home Cassandra."

I nodded at his retreating figure " Hey." I called. He stopped in his tracks and turned to look at me with one of his neutral questionable looks." You gonna make dinner tonight??"

He regarded me with a raised brow and a faint smile on his face." Of course." I smiled back watching him leave.

"Who was that??" Jason asked incredously as he watched KC exit the pizza place.

I just smiled at his words as I continued to sip my smoothie thinking of my amazing brother.

" That's our brother." Cassidy responded. I looked at her, she hadn't talked for so long that I actually forgot that she was even there." The beta of our pack."

"Oh." Was Jason's short sickening reply. Honestly, I don't really like the guy if you ask me. He behaves as if he is the king of the place, like the golden boy and to be honest, I'd say my own brother is cuter than him. Big time. And yet, Amber is crushing on him badly, Ugh. Love is weird. So weird indeed.

"Wow," Jason said. I could literally smell the jealousy." Well, do you guys have an Omega."

"Huh." That escaped my lips. Now that we come to think of it, we didn't have one. We've been too busy with the alpha and Omega didn't seem to cross our mind." Not really?"

"Is that right??" Jason said." Well if you want to try out how do you-"

"Jason," Danica interrupted grabbing his hands. An annoyed look on her face." We came here to have some fun not talk about matters that aren't our concern."

"Oh, sorry." He said feigning a sorry look.

I rolled my eyes. Bullshit.



Thank God that that chapter is done with

I honestly didn't know where I was going with it.

Next one would be a bit interesting
Hope u still love it


Oh, I forgot.


Comment on anything literally, I love opinions


❤️❤️Zoey loves y'all❤️❤️

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