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                THE NEXT DAY

My long slender fingers, trailed down my long blonde hair. It was still damp from the shower that I had had earlier. Wanna know the most embarrassing thing this morning was that I had been finding knot in my hair since morning.

Taking my brush, I began my work. I took my brush in my hair a dozen times, straightening the knots before tying it up in a ponytail.

I didn't bother to put any makeup that morning because frankly I was never good at it. And I still looked good with out it on. Honestly, makeup on my face was torture to begin with so it's a win win situation.

Walking out of the bathroom, I grabbed my pink hoodie that I had draped on the chair of the vanity the table and pulled it on.

I turned to the bed to look at my sister chatting up with Danica in Twitter and eating bag of cookies.

"Cas, I'm going strolling. Wanna come?" I asked hoping that she would agree. Spending a month away from my sister wasn't really and ideal type of fun even if it was Paris. I just wanted to spend today with just her.

Katie was busy with her new baby brother, Danica didn't feel like coming out today and Amber was lovesick in bed at her place. I was literally alone.

" It's morning." She reasoned still not look at me.

I regarded her with a half shrug." So?"

She blew out her cheeks with a ragged huff before getting up on her feet and grabbing her pink hoodie that matches mine." Sure." She shrugged." Might as well take a walk after yesterday. It really stressed me out."

A smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I watched her stretch with a loud yawn. Yesterday was tiring, especially with Jason but it was fun though. But Katie's mad at Danica and giving her the silent treatment.

I was dumbstricking when she took my arm and dragged me out of the room and down the stairs. We made a stop for the kitchen to inform Mom about our little morning stroll.

Mom was making breakfast this time while KC's eyes were on the laptop in front of him. There were bags under his eyes and he looked like he hadn't had decent sleep since last night.

I couldn't blame him though. After tomorrow was the resumption of college. We just had to attend some classes that dealt with finding mates and other werewolf stuffs. And plus, we were to stay in the pack house.

"Hey KC " Cassidy greeted with a sweet coo as she walked over to him and hugged him, laying a big kiss on his jaw." You look exhausted."

He hummed a response rubbing his palm on Cassidy's skin affectionately and smiling." Indeed I am Cas." He pulled away studying her face slightly." I am."

"Then go rest." I offered closing his laptop. Cas nodded in agreement.

"I wish I could." He said blowing out his cheeks before resting his back on the chair completely.

I studied him more closely. He had this ragged look on his face that showed he was tired of being the important child to everyone. He looked tired if being this big deal, I mean he wasn't even so excited when he was chosen as the beta but....

He was and he couldn't change that no matter what he did. It was his destiny and it's precise as fuck.

He opened his mouth to say something about it again before a knock on the door kept him shut.

A frown wondered on his face, and a questionable look that said who could that be at this hour?

"Stay here " He ordered with this unfathomable look on his face before standing up to answer the door.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here??" Cas and I hears KC say in a calm tone.

"Hey KC." We hear Danica's obvious cheerily tone reply.

"What can I help you guys with " KC asks

"Oh, we were wondering if your sisters were home. We are going for a jog through the woods and wondered if they would wanna come with." Ambers voice cuts in a haste.

I looked at Cassidy and she returned the look. I could see the surprise on her face.

I looked up as KC walked into the room, our three bestie behind him, all in jogging attires. Katie smiled at me and Cas beside me and said." I suppose you both heard that?"

"They did." KC remarked taking his previous sit. Ruffling both Cas and my hair before sitting down.

"I'll come with." Cas easily agreed walking out the door before I could even get up.

Some minutes later

The five of us raced through the woods, running as fast as we could and trying our very best to beat each other at the race game.

It was Danica's idea, but since she was a vampire and would definitely beat us in racing like crap, she just watched us, trying her best to run with the same pace as ours. A diffculty, she once stated.

We would have easily shifted but we didn't have any clothes to shift back into.

Shifting and running for fun with members of your pack was like a sacred thing to do. It was what connects all of us. The exhilaration of the rush of adrenaline when you dash past trees and leap over logs.

Shifting and running with your pack in general was a very special thing to do.

"That was amazing." Katie giggles as we all hiked through the woods, enjoying that fresh air that sweeps in through to our clothes.

Cas laughed behind her and grabbed her neck ruffling her hair in a boyish way." Of course it was baby Katie. It's our nature, it'll always be amazing."

Amber smiles warmly at their act, it had been a while since I had seen her that way. And hold on, didn't I here that she was lovesick??

We all continued to hike on after deciding that we all go back home by nightfall. Probably after a good shift.

Soon, we came to a clearing, were there was a little waterfall of sparkling spring water.

It was beautiful. Probably the most beautiful thing that I had seen through out the summer break. Don't get me wrong, Paris was beautiful but I am more of a nature girl and Paris was well....

Too aristocratic.

I, for one, was nowhere near aristocraticity. I was just a normal werewolf who loves deep fried chicken with gravy. Mmm, one of my favorite delicacies.

There were some girls though, jock girls from the college I recognized them all, hanging around that place. Katie was too busy admiring the picturesque view of the waterfall to pick up the things that they were saying with our hearing.

"My dad told me that he was remorseless." One brunette said. Her voice not hiding the visible panic." He is the strongest that they had ever encountered."

The girl that was standing next to a nearly dead oak tree shuddered with fear." I heard the he is a monster. He goes around killing for sport and I hear that he is still out there, looking for a pack to prey on. What if he actually comes here. We have no alpha to protect us, not even an Omega. Just one lousy Beta."

"Lousy??" Katie flared.

Hold on, Katie doesn't listen to what ever they had previously said but then she heard them calling KC lousy??

Danica held her by her upper arm knowing well that Katie was about to prance on them and give them something that they outta remember forever.

Danica just tsked and said." Gossips. Never believe them Katie baby. Let's head back. It's almost nightfall."

I could totally agree to that. Cas and I hadn't had food in our tummy at all today. I guessed the feeling was mutual with everyone cause apart from Danica, our stomach were growling.

I guess KC would have to cook us dinner again- oh scratch that- a feast again.

But still I'll ask about what those girls meant even if there were just gossips. Cuz guess what, news was news after all.

And maybe take a swim in that awesome waterfall.

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