Chapter IX

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Ranbir entered the hall, frowning as he take a look at the empty house. No one was here, Aryan had promised him last night that he will arrange for him and Prachi to talk alone. But it's been late afternoon and he had not even given him slightest hint yet. What the hell was he up to? Ranbir trusted Aryan with his life. He know that when he promised him something, he'll do everything in order to fulfill his promise. It's just the waiting he hates. And where do this man goes when he is needed the most.

It was the perfect day to talk to her. Thanking God, for the millionth time that day, that Rhea wasn't there. She had left for a trip to another town, along with her Buji. Aliya for a business meeting and Rhea for her friends marriage. And she won't be back till tomorrow evening, just about in time for the Puja. It isn't everyday that he is Rheafree.

He was about to call Aryan when he heard laughing from the poolside. He followed the direction of the voice and saw the entire family gathered there.

Elders were scattered around the pool, taking about random topics. Laughing, teasing and sharing old stories. While the youngsters' were almost an amusing sight. Seeing the sight in front of him, Ranbir almost laughed out loud.

There sat Shahana and Piyush, matching annoyed pouts on their faces, while Aryan and Prachi were having a head message from Pragya and Sarita ji respectively. Looking at the sullen Shahana, Piyush and a brightly grinning Aryan, it took him a minute to register that it wasn't normal head massage but an oil Champi. And the reason the two were annoyed was clear by their sticky hairs. He couldn't hold himself anymore and burst out laughing.

"Well isn't this after-party so.. relaxing?" Ranbir guffowed.

"Ranbir, don't make us feel more bad." Shahana said pouting.

"Or else what? You won't wash you hair?" teased Aarav.

"Come on Ranbir. You too get a message. It'll relax you too." Pallavi called him.

"Wha--- Why? No thanks I'm relaxed as it is." Ranbir tried to get out of the trouble he had just gotten himself into. He tried his best pouting face and used every excuse he could cook up, same or insane alike, but to no avail.

And hence you have a now pouting Ranbir who was also having a Champi and sniggering Arhana.

"Here Prachi," said Saritaji, who had been assured to be dropped home only in the evening, gathering the girl's hair in a messy high bun.

Prachi smiled at her gratefully and joined Shahana and Piyush on their table.

"Aarav, come child, everyone had had a massage. You join too." Saritaji offered politely and Ranbir mentally smirked.

Now the charm would go down the drain. Let's see how he'll be able to pull off a greacy look. Ranbir thought, trying to cover his chuckle with a fake cough.

Aarav just passed a small smile to the elder lady and seated himself in front of her on the ground, cross legged.

"Prachi?" Piyush called staring at her and the girl hummed in response.

"Why don't you take us to meet your friends?" he asked.

"Why? Why do you want to meet our friends?" Shahana asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Just because, let us meet those who made you both forget us, and if you don't like to meet our friends doesn't mean we wouldn't too." Piyush mocked.

"Oh no, You don't have friends, no, Aarav have friends. You have a gang that do nothing but flirt." Shahana countered.

"We don't flirt, we just give genuine compliments, that just are a bit cheeasy sometimes." Piyush defended himself. "And tell me, who from my friend group ever gave the two of you any cheeasy compliment, except from me of course."

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