Rule #14: There is no point in life unless you take risks

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Before my father passed away, he said something to me that I hadn't thought of until today... As a kid, I never wanted to disappoint my parents. So I was always focused on school, and luckily for me, I got a job pretty early. I showed them how important my education was. But my father wanted me to be equally as passionate about finding someone to spend my life with.

Not the crazy cultural thing where the girls in our family have to get married at a young age so they can create their own family. He wanted me to have a different love story.

Being among the youngest in our family, I strived to be better than my sisters. But he also wanted me to be happy.

'Your future, your happiness might be right in front of you. But you are too scared to just open your eyes. You are scared of what might happen. Don't be, Camilla. As long as you're happy. And if it's what you really want to do, then don't be scared. Just look up... and well, go from there"


She bent down, putting pressure on the bullet wound.

"You are not allowed to die, do you hear me? You can't die" Camilla sobbed, holding her. She watched as her eyes slowly started closing.

"Promise me! We still have a long life ahead of us! Together! We are supposed to live in a big house! Don't die!" She sobbed. She grabbed Camilla's hand.

"W-when you get to America, promise me that you will never give up. Just like papa, ok?" She told her. Camilla nodded.

"Papa said that all kids go to heaven. So I will be watching you from heaven," she whispered. Camilla shook her head.

"Clementine no! I love you! Don't go" She sobbed.

"Don't give up" She whispered, before closing her eyes. Camilla let out a painful sob. Her brother held her as she cried in his arms.

Camilla gasped, sitting up in her bed. She looked around her surroundings to see her normal bedroom in Boston, Massachusetts. Not the village in Congo in the middle of a Massacre.

She sat up, wiping the tears mixed with sweat on her face. She looked over at her phone, like any other morning, going through the notifications.

She got out of bed, walking towards the shower, squealing softly as the freezing cold water hit her skin. She got out of the shower, pulling her clothes on before walking into Caleb's room.


Caleb woke up, sweat falling down his face and his chest heaving up and down.

"Caleb! Wake up!" Camilla called from outside the door. Caleb looked around his room. It was all a dream... a very hot dream.

Camilla opened his bedroom door, walking in, and sitting down on the edge of his bed.

"Oh goodie, You're not dead." She mumbled. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I didn't hear you... what's with the attitude?" He asked. She sighed.

"Had a nightmare. And since when were you a heavy sleeper?" She asked. He shrugged, the hot sweaty feeling not leaving his body.

"I had a dream." He mumbled. She nodded. He widened his eyes, remembering the contents of his dream.

He pulled her onto his lap, connecting their lips. Caleb ran his fingers down her body, sending a shiver through her.

He unclipped her bra, throwing it across the room. She held onto his shoulders, tightening her grip on him.

Rules || Jaehyun JungOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz