Rule # 16: Grief should not be handled lightly as a doctor

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Camilla reluctantly turned off the engine of her car, closing her eyes and resting her forehead on the wheel.

"I can do this... just get through the day, Camilla. That's all you have to do" She mumbled. She opened her eyes, taking a deep breath before grabbing her things and walking out of her car.

She marched into the hospital, walking straight to the resident's lounge without speaking to anyone. Her friends watched her walk into the lounge, quickly removing her clothes and putting on her scrubs.

"Go talk to her" Daniel whispered to Laura.

"Me? You go!" She mumbled. Caleb rolled his eyes.

"For God's sakes, I'll go." He mumbled, walking up to her.

"Camilla! Hey" He strained his voice, slowly walking up to her with caution. She looked up at him.

"Hey. When I got home, you weren't there," She said, He nodded.

"Yeah I was working the night shift. I'm on my way home now. When did you gst here?" He asked. She sighed, throwing on her lab coat.

"Uh.... I got here last night." She said. He nodded.

"How's your family doing?" He asked, regretting the question the second it left his lips. He studied her dull facial expressions.

"They're fine. Still a bit sad of course." She mumbled, pulling her hair back. He nodded.

"Right... right." He said. She nodded, looking up at him. She noticed how we wouldn't walk away. It was as if he was waiting for her to say something. She looked over in the corner to see Laura and Daniel eyeing their conversation. She sighed.

"Guys i'm fine... It was a nice ceremony. I gave a speech then my mom gave a speech. It was a small funeral. I was there and now I'm back and ready to work" She clarified. Laura walked over to her.

"Camilla we would totally understand if you aren't ready to work yet. You just lost somebody." She said. Camilla laughed.

"It's not the first time that I've been through something like this. And if anything I need to be working. So I appreciate the support, but I'm fine." She said, walking out of the room.

"Yeah... she's not fine" Caleb mumbled.


Camilla walked over to Gonzalez... who was talking to the other Gonzalez. Natalie tapped Brandon softly, hinting that someone was walking over.

"I can see you signaling that I'm here. Hello, lovebirds" She said, leaning against the countertop.

"Janssen, you're back early. H-how are you doing?" Brandon asked. She sighed.

"I'm alright. And before you ask, yes I took my necessary time right, No I do not need more time, and the funeral was nice and memorable" She said. He glanced over at Natalie, exchanging a look with her.

"Um ok... so what are you doing here?" He asked. She shrugged.

"I'm on cardio... I'm always on Cardio," she said. He shook his head.

"Well not anymore. It's the start of a new service change. I'm pretty sure you are in Neuro" He said. She sighed. The last time she had seen him she was laying in his arms, crying.

"Can I please just stay here?" She begged. He shook his head.

"Camilla, You know that I don't make the rules here. As much as I enjoy having you in my service, you need to go learn how to be a surgeon in all specialties." He said. She sighed, her shoulders slumping.

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