~Chapter 8~

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We all rode to the house in Armin's car and arrived within 15 minutes. As we stepped out of the car, I looked up to see a beautiful two-story house. We walked up the steps and made our way in. There was music, but it wasn't too loud. People were standing and talking with a red cup in their hands. Mikasa led the three of us over to the couch, where she greeted some of her friends.

"Hey everyone!" She yelled with excitement.

"Hey, Mikasa!" Everyone yelled back in unison.

"This is my friend Y/N and her two boyfriends, they came to hang out with us." She said.

I instantly became flustered by Mikasa's comment. In a way, I did consider them love interests, but two boyfriends at once seemed wrong. I look to see both Armin and Eren staring at me, and I shot an awkward smile at both of them. Mikasa then dragged me to the couch. I took a seat by the end away from everyone else, and the two boys sat on both sides of me. They took one hand and placed them on my thighs, giving me a rush of heat. They said nothing and continued to leave their hands where they were. I looked down at my legs and blushed even harder.

"Hey, new guys! I'm Reiner, where are you guys from?" A blonde boy asked.

"Oh hi! I'm Y/N! This is Eren and Armin, and we're from Corps University in Town Maria! What about you?" I asked.

"Nice to meet you Y/N! I'm Historia!" A blonde girl said as she took over the conversation. "Oh! And this is Ymir, Bertholdt, and Annie! We're from Sina City!"

"Oh and I'm Sasha!" A brunette exclaimed. "And these two idiots are Jean and Connie, and we're from Port Rose with Mikasa!"

"Well, it's great to meet you all!" I shouted with a smile.

"So Jean, what do you have planned for us?" Mikasa asked the light brown-haired boy.

"Uh-uhhh, to be honest, I didn't have anything specific planned." He stuttered.

"Ughhhh so we're going to sit around here doing nothing?" The boy with a buzz cut said.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Sasha insisted.

"I'll play as long as nobody lays a finger on Historia!" The brunette with freckles exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around the blonde.

"Y/N and Y/N's boyfriends, you guys down to play?" Reiner asked.

"Sure why not? Boys would you like to-"

"I'll play!" Both boys said in unison.

The room got silent for a minute. Everyone stood there staring at both of the boys, who looked as if they were about to explode.

"Can we start already?" The blonde girl in a ponytail complained in a Whiny voice.

"Yeah yeah, okay Ymir, truth or dare?" Reiner asked.

"Dare obviously," Ymir uttered.

"I dare you to let Historia pour beer into your mouth while holding your throat." He explained.

"Oh gladly," Ymir beamed as she gave the bottle to Historia. She drank the beer as the girl's hands were wrapped around her neck. She wiped her face off with her jacket and looked around for the next person.

"Okay, Bertholdt, truth or dare?"

"o-oh, um, truth?" He stammered.

"Is it true you have a crush on Annie?" She exclaimed with a smirk.

"I-I uhhhh, umm, can we skip this question?"

"OOOOOOOOO" people shouted.

"Ugh ok fine whatever, ask someone else a question."

"Um, okay then. Jean! Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Jean replied in a stern voice.

"Confess your love to Mikasa!"

"W-What?!" Jean shouted.

"No need for that since it's obvious, but can I take the next question, Jean?" She asked.

"Oh-Oh! Go ahead then!" He replied.

She gave a small smirk before facing my direction. She looked me up and down, and then looked both Eren and Armin up and down. She then took a breath and spoke.

"Y/N! Truth or dare?" She hissed beneath her breath.

"You know what? Dare." I mocked with a slight feeling of regret.

"Hmmm. Let us spice things up, shall we? I dare you to go into the basement closet for 7 minutes."

"That's it? Oh okay-"

"Oh, I'm not finished." She interrupted

"Wait what?" I questioned

"You get to pick either Armin or Eren to go with you, and you have to pick them. This is a dare, but the dare is to not spend 7 minutes by yourself."

My mouth stood wide open. WHAT THE FUCK MIKASA?! FIRST I TAKE OVER YOUR SHIFT AND NOW THIS? SHOOT ME NOW. I looked over at Eren to see him staring at me, with a small curve on the very end of his lips. I then turn around to see Armin staring, with wide eyes and pink-tinted on his cheeks. I then looked back at Eren, then Armin. I then looked down at my hands, fidgeting with them in anxiousness. Everyone stood there awaiting my answer.

"I- I uh-"

"Well, who is it gonna be Y/N?" Mikasa asked.


I looked back at Eren one last time, to see his eyes piercing into mine. I then looked into Armin's to see his eyes glowing more than they normally did. I looked back down and closed my eyes. I can't believe what I was about to do. I stood up and grabbed both of their hands so they can stand up. I looked once at Armin and once at Eren. The two seemed confused, and I turned my head to face the people before me.

"I choose both." I blurted.

Everyone gasped with their mouths wide open. Ymir and Annie looked at each other, who seemed to be impressed. Connie and Sasha started mocking us, in a funny way of course. Mikasa's eyes widened, and so did everyone else. I then tugged both boys as we made our way towards the basement door. I didn't even dare to look back and face the two of them. I saw the closet and entered it, still avoiding contact. I locked the door and turned around to face them. They both stood there, seductively looking into my eyes. They looked me up and down and smirked.

I was not prepared for what was about to happen next.


"Stuck with Me"- An Eren X Female Reader X Armin Love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now