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chan pov:

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chan pov:

i woke up to the sound of rain gently drumming on my window. i look out the window to the grey clouds and the beautiful city, the lights of skyscrapers sparkling all throughout my view. the droplets of water sprinkled all over my black, bed-wide window relaxed me, getting rid of the goosebumps on my arm from my cold, apartment room. i look over to my alarm clock, the red, bright electronic numbers illuminating my painfully dim room saying 6:23. it's a friday. i got off of my bed, pulling my black blanket to the side and quietly went to the bathroom, careful to not wake up my roommate changbin and his boyfriend, hyunjin. how the hell did somebody like changbin get a boyfriend before me.

i turn on the mirror lights in the bathroom and go in the shower. i turn on the water, the cold water piercing my skin. i turn the water so that it's warmer, and grab the shampoo. i wash my hair and myself, the glass shower now steamy, full with a sweet aroma of roses since my soap is "rusted rose." i finish showering and turn off the water, getting out of the shower and putting a towel around my waist. i get another towel for my hair and just dry it out a little with the towel, then i go and brush my teeth at the sink. i stared at myself in the mirror for a little. i spit out my spearmint toothpaste and rinse, then get my sleeping clothes off the ground and go back to my room after i cleaned up the bathroom, shutting the light off on the way out.

i walk into my room and go to my closet. i put on white ripped skater jeans and a black tee with 3 skeletons skateboarding on it, and a black bomber jacket, striped socks and i'll wear my checkered vans when i'll leave. i check the time on my clock and it reads 6:47 am. i fold my sleeping clothes on my clear desk chair and pack up my bag. i put my textbooks and my laptop then zip it up. i make my white desk cleaner and i make my bed, putting most of the pillows against the wall. i grab my phone and airpods off of my windowsill and leave my room, shutting the door behind me.

i go through the hall to our kitchen connected to the living room. hyunjin is in the kitchen drinking some coffee at the granite kitchen island. i put my bag down and he heard me, so he faced me as i looked in the fridge.

"oh morning channie, how'd you sleep?" he smiled as he moved his blonde locks out of his hair, sipping some more of his coffee.

"i slept fine, what about you?" i asked as i put some bread i got into the toaster.

"yeah i slept well too. y'know changbin is a really good pillow." he laughs and takes a bite of his egg.

"it's kinda funny. i never imagined binnie would get a boyfriend before me." we both laughed and i poured myself a glass of orange juice, setting it down on the island across from hyunjin.

"hey chan, hey flowerr~" changbin said as he put down his bag next to mine and waltzed over to hyunjin, hugging him from behind and planting a kiss on his cheek.

god, i'm lonely.

"want something to eat, bin?" hyunjin asked as he took a bite out of his bacon.

"sure." he walked over to the kitchen and grabbed an eggo, and put it in the toaster. i ate my food, listening to them talk about random things.

after we all finished, we started getting our stuff to go to the bus. i put on my shoes and black beanie, picked up my bag then walked out of my apartment down the stairs with changbin and hyunjin following close behind.

we left the complex and stepped out into the rainy, cold street. we walked through the damp streets to the bus stop, and we sat down on the thankfully dry bench under the dusty bus stop. i went on my phone and put in my airpods.

i turned on heaven by monsta x and went on insta.

i scrolled through all of my friend's profiles and stories, reacting, liking and randomly texting them.

everybody, minho, jisung, hyunjin, changbin, jeongin, and seungmin were dating.

it kinda hurt. at this point i'm just a six wheeler.

i closed out of insta and decided to just go and play match 3d, some random game that i downloaded like 2 years ago.

soon enough, the blue bus comes to the stop and we get on along with a couple of other people.

i sit at the window seat, staring through the window, my arm leaning against the cold metal from the bus wall.

in around 15 minutes, we got there. to highschool. me, changbin and hyunjin get off of the bus and walk towards the school. the rain is a bit uncomfortable but it's fine since i'm going inside either way.


(a/n: hey guys so this is gonna be a new book which i have a lot of ideas for this book and i hope you guys like it!!)

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