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felix pov;

i stare at the note in front of me. it's folded in half, light as a feather. i pick up the pink paper and read it.

hi, please meet me during the beginning of lunch. it'll take 3 minutes, i promise. - sana

i think of what she could need for me, and especially in that short of a time.

me and sana go back to middle school, she was friends with mark and jennie, who beat the shit out of me and bullied me. though, sana never bullied me. she never said anything, she never hit me or did anything to me. she just stood next to jennie and watched her.

i don't know why she didn't do anything. maybe she doesn't like me, maybe she has a grudge against me for whatever reason. i never truly knew her.

in junior high, when mark and jennie got expelled finally, she often asked me for money. not even bully me or anything, just politely asked. she never got physical, though i never refused to give her money in the first place. she didn't even really ask me that often, maybe once in a while.

after jennie left, nothing happened with her. she got a better friend group, and i was happy for her. frankly, i don't have anything against her. but the thought of her snapping sometimes makes me uneasy.

i shrug it off. maybe she just wants some money again.

i put the note in my pocket and grab my books. wednesday schedule i have calc first period. i sit down at the back again and take out my laptop. we had another quiz today.

i see a notification on my phone. to my surprise, not from chan.

minho: "what type of coffee do u like?"

me: iced blonde americano

i shrugged it off. i put on some music and about 5 minutes later, minho walks in through the door with a tray of starbucks. my eyes lighten up, i wasn't expecting that. he moves his brown hair out of his face and places a (to my surprise,) blonde americano to the side of my computer.

"oh, haha thanks man." i say as i take a sip of the coffee. "anytime. by the way did you do the homework?" i giggled. so that's why he got me it. "yeah, i did haha." i gave him my workbook and he copied, of course. he looked impressed. "damn, you're really smart. what the hell?"

"i am?"

"yeah. you literally did the entire challenges page." he flipped to the other page. "AND THIS ENTIRE EQUATIONS PAGE?" he looked stunned. "oh, um yeah."

"why? it was optional." "why shouldn't i?" i asked. "well i don't know, you just didn't have to do it so why bother."

"well, you didn't have to get me that coffee to get my answers. but you got it anyway. i guess what goes around comes around." i shrugged.

i actually never thought about it that way. in reality i just get anxious with my assignments if i don't do everything. even though, neither of my parents ever really cared for my grades. neither did my sisters. it never affected me in real life, so i really don't know why i do it. but doing work is really the bare minimum for school, just as long as i get through i guess that's all the matters.

our calc teacher, mr. byun, is the nicest teacher here not gonna lie. i was really tired one day because of my sisters and work, and he let me sleep through his class and gave me a water and some ibuprofen. he's the best.

"alright guys, today we're gonna do some more worksheets in the workbook, flip to pages 298-302 and finish all the problems on them." i flipped to the pages. i started working on them and took a sip of my coffee.

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