Chap 2

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Jiang Cheng was 15 when he remembered sex education class, as one night during his sleep he woke up to his brother humping him and trying to open his pyjamas. A-cheng screamed. Jfm came running to his room but he saw wwx trying to free his shirt collar from a-cheng who had his pyjamas down with only underwear on, and wwx with tears in his eyes. Jfm slapped a-cheng and threw him out of his house as he didn't want a horrible monster in his house. 

When Yzy returned from her business trip she was told that her son ran away, her precious little a-cheng, who never complained even if she was too strict with him, she called a-li but he was not with her. A-li came back, she cried but Yzy can only give her reassurance that they'll find a-cheng soon. Where could her little baby go? He is so young and so naive he won't be safe in this world alone which is filled with wolves. She doesn't believe her husband. She knows her a-cheng can't run away on his own. But the only thing she can do is try to find her baby boy with all her might. She could only pray for his safety. She kept thinking whether her baby had food or not? Where did he sleep? Does he have warm clothes on or not? Where could he go? He doesn't know anyone. All his classmates do not know where he is. Even wwx does not know. But she is suspicious of him. He knows something and is hiding it. But he won't tell. However, she might punish him. 


Sorry for the short chap.

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