Chap 3

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JC cried and tried to tell his a-die that he didn't do anything but he didn't listen and yanked him from his arm and threw him out of his house never bothering to hear him. He hugged wwx and told him to not worry he'll never let anything bad happen to him.

Wwx doesn't tell jfm because he doesn't want to be kicked out and abandoned also he thinks jfm will allow jc in the house again after his anger is subsided and then he can get jc all to himself because then jc will never dare to try to fight him off or make noise to get someone else to help him out, bcz jc will realize no one will believe him.

Wwx was happy with this outcome and started waiting for his uncle's anger to subside so that he could go and manipulate him into letting JC come home again.

JC doesn't know where his sister's uni or dorm is. He knows the name or university but that's in another city and he doesn't have his wallet or money with him as his father didn't let him take even his phone with him. Because that was bought with his father's money.

Jc remembers "I can't let a rapist live in my house, get out you bastard!" roared jfm in the morning when jc tried entering the house again.

Jc cried and kept walking. He didn't know where he was going. He kept waiting outside of his house for the whole night but the gate didn't open. And he knew those gates will never open for him again because he's not wwx, he's jc and his father hates him.

He tries his sister's number from a stranger's phone but the phone was off and he doesn't remember his mother's international phone number.

It turned to night again, he was hungry and tired and really cold. He hid in an alley in an attempt to hide from the cold. He gathered some cardboards and tried to cover his body by making himself small.
Next day he stumbled upon a church giving free food for the homeless and after eating he heard someone talking about a construction site near in need of labor. He asks for the place and goes there in search of some work.

After getting some food in his stomach his brain is working and he decides he needs money to go to Lanling city, where his sister lives and then try to find her. He begged the site manager to give him some work. He gave jc work on condition of only food for the first few days and if he can do his work properly he will get paid after that. Jc works very hard. Lifting heavy material, doing all kinds of work given to him, after four days the manager knew the kid is good with numbers and gave him some accounting and financial work. Jc did it with diligence.

After two weeks he had money in his hands. But it's still not enough, because he wants to buy a new shirt and jeans (even if it's the cheapest) with some extra money for food to survive a few days in lanling if he can't find his sister right away. Also, he needs money for a bus ticket. He works for a week more and asks for more work so he can get more money. Manager gives him more work and at the end of the week gives him a bonus in addition to his pay.

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