Chap 5

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When he wakes again, he's alone in the alley and everything hurts, he hears someone talking and a distant sound of ambulance? Or the police? He couldn't comprehend. Everything is moving, he blacks out again.

Tw// panic attack

Next time he wakes up, he doesn't recognize the white ceiling and a beeping noise he is hearing and who is looking at him from above and saying something "can you hear me? I'm your nurse" but he couldn't hear anything due to his panic. He screams and tries to get up, several hands try to hold him down, he screams and screams until he blacks out again.

Next time he wakes up his hands are tied to the bed he panics and his eyes go wide but then there's an elderly lady who's saying something and he hears her saying that he's safe and don't panic then he feels an injection given to him. He feels a little less panicky but his brain starts to feel fuzzy a little bit but he hears and understands some things said to him. Now he knows he is in the hospital and that elderly lady and her husband brought him to the hospital, he is safe now, they are not here anymore and he gives in to the sleep.

Next day he wakes up and the hospital staff asks him about his guardians and asks "can I make a call?"

He calls his father, he can't tell what happened to his sister. It's too shameful, he can only tell this to his father. After two rings jfm picks the call.
Jfm: hello, jfm speaking.
Jc: a-die!!! *sobs* a-
Jfm: how dare you call me?
Jc: a-die please a-die take me home a-die save me, I'll die please take me home. *crying* a-die yes-yesterday i- some people - did- die-a-die
Jfm: You are not my son. I only have one son. And don't try to call me again. You are already dead for me.
Jc: a-die please no. Ple- - -
The call gets cut.
Jc cries and screams for his father, doctors give him sleep injection again.
They call at the number again but the phone is off and never gets turned on, jfm changed his number.

After he wakes up he doesn't speak, doesn't cry anymore, doesn't even say that he is feeling pain or anything.

After two weeks he was discharged from the hospital and elderly couple took him home, because he was not fully healed. His bones were not healed properly.

One month later, when his cast was off from his now healed arm, he starts working in the small diner owned by the elderly couple. He works as the waiter and cleaner. The couple told him he doesn't have to work but he told them he wants to. They liked the boy and wanted to take care of JC but he was too broken to accept anything easily and to trust.

After a few months the couple can tell that jc is a good kid from a good family but something bad happened to him and his studies are left incomplete. So they told jc that he should rejoin the High school to complete his studies but jc told them he doesn't want to. He'll stay where he is, as he is. But the couple started thinking of JC as their own son and didn't back down. Mr and Mrs huang.

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