Chap 16

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I dont know how to write smut sorry. Reading my own writing, it feels like everyone can see through me 😖 am I too straight forward even in my fic? F*ck.
I'm too straight forward irl that it shows in my writing lol 😂 I was thinking Wtf am I writing? Just don't kill me plz 😂

For the next few months they haven’t done more than ha/ndjobs and b/lowjobs, their makeout sessions were steamy, wanyin talked to xichen one day that he wanted more, he wanted to go till the end next time, he told xichen with bright red cheeks and averting his eyes to look at anything but his bf. He was clearly embarrassed.
Lxc felt overwhelmingly fond of that shy expression on wanyin’s face. He hugged him and kissed him deeply, hungrily, all tongue and teeth.

A few days letter they had sex, lxc took great care of his bf looking for the signs of any discomfort or fright but they decided to switch between both of them and also wanyin can never feel scared where he can smell and touch his boyfriend.
(i can’t write smut ughhh, just imagine hot sex,hehe)


They visited lqr during wanyin’s semester break. (lxc’s studies were already completed because he was two years senior of wanyin in uni) lqr liked ywy and wanted them to spend their summer break with him too. Ywy also liked lxc’s uncle and respected him a lot. Lqr thought he looked familiar but couldn’t remember how he knew him, but upon hearing his name, he could see wanyin looks so similar to yzy.

After they were settled, lqr asked lxc to come talk to him about business (as lxc took over the business from lqr, a few months ago after completing his degree. Wanyin was going to start his 6th semester in uni after the semester break.) lqr asked about wanyin after the business talk.

Lqr: xichen, do you know wanyin is the runaway jiang kid?

Lxc: what? Uncle, what are you saying?

Lqr: It means you don’t know.

Lxc: But uncle, he was Jiang cheng. And wanyin is a yu.

Lqr: That's what gave him away. He’s the spitting image of his mother yu ziyuan.

Lxc: madam yu?

Lqr: yes.

Lxc: but uncle wanyin told me his father threw him out of the house when he was 15. Oh.

Lxc: uncle the jiang kid- jfm told everyone jc ran away from home and it happened when he was 15.

Lqr: *enraged* what? You mean to say jfm kicked his own young child out?

Lxc: yes uncle. I don’t know the whole story but this is what wanyin told me exactly. And this I know for a fact is true because wanyin doesn’t lie. Also this is also part of his trauma. I didn’t bring him to meet you earlier because he was undergoing treatment for his ptsd. And was afraid of new and unknown people.

Lqr: oh, poor boy. Is he alright now?

Lxc: uncle these kinds of ailments of mind are not completely curable, you know that too. But he is much better.

Lqr: yzy have been looking for his son for years. Why didn’t wanyin go back?

Lxc: uncle, he was involved in an incident, which took away his will to live, also he was afraid of that house. I don’t know why. But he got scared when I asked him if he wanted to go back home.

Lqr: don’t know what that bastard did to the poor child. But you were saying he is better now. So try to ask if he wants to meet his mother, because yzy never stopped looking for her son and it’s saddening to look at that once strong woman now looking so broken. 

Lxc: ok uncle. I’ll ask him. But I won't force him. Too much mental stress is not good for him. He is strong, maybe stronger than any of us, but his mental condition is delicate. He went through alot.

Lqr: I can imagine. The world was cruel and he is just a child.

Lxc: No uncle. We can’t imagine what he went through. I have seen his suffering. My heart hurts seeing him in pain. 

Lqr: only if he wants then i’ll contact yzy. Or else I won't.

Lxc talked to ywy, who got sad but told him that he wants to meet his mother but not now, he is not mentally prepared. Maybe during summer break. He’ll have more progress in his treatment too. Lxc told his uncle who agreed that it’s good and wanyin’s demand is not unreasonable. But before that happens unfortunately he met someone else, someone was not prepared to meet. Never wanted to meet.

Lxc and ywy were on a date when they bumped into lwj with his friends who came from another city for some music competition. When suddenly they heard a gasp. All of them looked towards the guy who was gasping, and saw a guy in black jeans with a red silk shirt staring at ywy and suddenly moved forward, towards ywy and grabbed his hand. Wanyin was stunned and frozen at the spot. When he heard the guy saying “a-cheng” and lwj was saying wei wuxian in the background, he came into his senses with a flinch. He snatched his hand away and bolted. Lxc couldn’t understand what was happening, but he ran after Wanyin, he could hear someone else running after him but Wanyin was more important so he didn’t stop. Soon he reached wanyin, grabbed him by his hand and hugged him, wanyin struggled but soon recognized lxc’s smell and gave up the struggle, then they heard wwx calling “a-cheng!!!” from a distance, wanyin looked at lxc with tears in his eyes and said “please huan-ge, save me. Don’t let him touch me please. Get me away.” so lxc grabbed his hand and they both ran towards their car.
On the way to the apartment lxc could see wanyin was stressed and crying, his distress was increasing with louder sobs and suddenly he lost consciousness. Lxc took him to the hospital because his nose was bleeding too. He was given emergency treatment and the doctor told him he suffered from a mild stroke and will be fine but his recovery rate and percentage will be determined after he wakes up. Lwj called him and told lxc that wwx tried to ask about wanyin’s whereabouts and address and saying something about bringing his father.

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