Chap 12

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So 2k+ of talking 😑 am I crazy? Yes. Plz forgive me. I don't know how to write. It's Time to reveal the secrets. It's just how it comes into my mind and I type it down on a document 😢 it's not my fault that's how my mind works, it's chaotic at best and miserable at worse.

Lxc saw how Ywy met lwj. He looked a bit scared, not outwardly, but lxc knows where to look. Then in the kitchen when he was doing dishes and wangji went to put plates in the sink, the plate slipped from wanyin's hand and he flinched away from wangji. Wangji came back and asked lxc if they could talk. 

Lwj: brother who is he? 

Lxc: Wangji, he's the boy I told you about inviting. The law major. 

Lwj: But he is so weird. How will we live together if he behaves like this? 

Lxc: wangji. Don't be judgmental. He just doesn't like people too close to him. He's a good kid. I know him and also it's not like you like people touching you so I think you can understand his personal bubble is just a bit larger than others.

Lwj: But brother, he looked angry. I don't know why he would look at me like this. 

Lxc: I think he was scared and I don't know why. 

Lwj: *baffled* Why would he be scared of me? I didn't do anything. 

Lxc: Wangji, it's not your fault. I think there's something which we don't know. And it's not you, I have seen that look on his face a few times and it's around people he doesn't know. So I think it's just how he is around new people. 

Lwj: OK brother if you say so. 

It's been three days since Ywy came and lxc can see he didn't sleep a wink. He asked if he's alright and Ywy said he was and dismissed his concern. But two days later lxc finds out why he can't sleep. 

Tw//panic attack, nightmares, mentioned g/r/ape

Lxc woke up hearing a scream coming from ywy's room. He runs towards the room but the room was locked. He asked wangji to bring the keys which he brings immediately. Lxc opens the room and finds Ywy clawing at his chest and screaming in his sleep. Lxc tries to wake him up but as soon as he wakes up he pushes lxc away and sit in a corner of the room trying to make him small by folding his arms around his knees. His eyes are cloudy with sleep and it looks like he's not recognizing them. Lxc tries to go towards him but he starts crying 

Ywy: no don't come. No!!!!!! Don't touch!!! Please!!!! No!!! I don't want this. 

Lxc tries to calm him by putting his hands in front of him in the air showing a surrendering form and telling him he is lxc and he is not here to hurt him. Slowly he calms down and there's a hint of familiarity in his eyes. When he recognizes who lxc is, he gasps. And asks

Ywy: h-how are you inside? I I think I locked the door. 

Lxc: We heard screaming so I thought something bad happened so we opened with keys. 

Ywy: oh. I-I'm sorry for ruining your sleep. I o-ordered weather strips to soundproof the room a bit but due to the situation deliveries are delayed. I'm r-really sorry. 

Lxc: But what happened?

Ywy: it's just a nightmare nothing to worry about *looking towards wangji nervously*. 

Lxc: *nods towards wangji so he'll leave then alone* 

Lwj: *understanding* Mn. I'll go to sleep then. Take care wanyin, brother. 

Lxc: *slowly reaching for wanyin's arm and lifting him up* That's why you can't sleep? 

Ywy: *stiffens but then relaxes a bit* it-it's not so bad. I don't always scream, I'll try harder to keep the voice down. I'll not disturb you again. I-I'm sorry. 

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