Chap 9

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Lan xichen heard a rumor going around in the admin office. That the new scholarship student is weird and asked for a single room, left his perfect shared room to live in a small storage room. He was again perplexed because he couldn't understand why someone would do that.

Then he saw yu wanyin walking out of the campus on friday with large under eye bags. His eyes looked bruised from the lack of sleep. Lxc decided to follow him out as he looked suspicious to him. He saw him entering the Cafe but he didn't come out after half an hour's wait, so lxc decided to go inside and check, also he was craving hot chocolate. As soon as he entered he saw Ywy standing behind the bar working. He was ashamed of himself for following him thinking he's involved in something bad. And the kid is working hard. He ordered hot cocoa for himself. He saw Ywy massaging his temples when there was no customer. He looked so tired like he hadn't slept in days. After finishing his drink he went home. But had to come back late in the evening to fetch his important notes he forgot in the student council office, he saw Ywy going towards the dorms and suddenly falling. Lxc went towards him to check on him but saw he was unconscious. He called for the ambulance and took him to the hospital.

Lxc was worried about the student,he couldn't understand his concern and interest in the student. At the hospital the doctor told him he collapsed due to exhaustion and is now sleeping. Will probably wake up the next day. Lxc didn't want to leave him alone at the hospital, so he said sorry to the kid and checked his phone for guardian or someone who knew the kid. He was baffled to see the smallest contact list he had ever seen. And all the numbers were from in professional capacity. There wasn't a single contact he could call. So he decided to just stay the night with the kid. After 2 hour the kid woke up with a scream, which he muffled with his hands.

Lxc called for the doctor who was surprised to see the kid awake. He told him to sleep but ywy told him he couldn't. So the doctor called them to his office. It looked like ywy didn't want lxc in the office with him but didn't say anything.
Dr: you collapsed due to exhaustion mr yu wanyin. How many hours do you sleep.
Ywy: *didn't ans*
Dr: yu wanyin * tapped the table* how many hours did you sleep in the past week.
Ywy: idk. I think 7 hours?
Dr: *frowning* 7 hours a day?
Ywy: 7 hours in the whole week. I have had insomnia since I was 15.
Dr: have you seeked medical help for it before?
Ywy: yes i have been taking prescribed medicines. But stopped two months ago because the doctor told me they could be addicting.
Dr: and how have you slept in the past 2 months?
Ywy: poor.
Dr: And do you crave meds?
Ywy: I don't get addicted. Even with meds my sleep is not so good or peaceful. And only 3 to 4 hours. Also I never took those meds regularly.
Dr: why don't you take the meds regularly?
Ywy: *glanced towards lxc* because I don't want to sleep.
Dr: why?
Ywy: no comments.
Dr: ok. So, do you want me to prescribe meds to you?
Ywy: yes please. I'm too tired to stay awake for a few more days.

After that lxc told ywy that he'll drop him to the campus in his car. He hesitated to accept but then accepted upon insistence. In the car,
Lxc: i'm lxc. We met on your first day,remember?
Ywy: yes i remember.
Lxc: I'm a business major and student council president. If you have any issues you can come to the office.
Ywy: yu wanyin. law major. Thanks. And also thank you for helping me earlier.
Lxc: oh, its ok. I saw you falling, anyone could have done the same.
Ywy: no. not everyone.

Lxc saw his hands trembling and him trying to make himself small like he wanted to run away. So he only hummed and didn't question further. Upon reaching the campus ywy thanked him again and lxc saw him going until he disappeared from his sight. Lxc was confused and perplexed as he couldn't understand why he is so interested in ywy's affairs. The kid was from a small city, more like a town than city. Yet there's something familiar about him and he pulls him in but he doesn't understand how and for what.

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