Chapter 14*

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SAMs pov:

I got a text from Lucas saying he'd be back any minute.

I brushed my hair and cleaned myself up. I don't know if I should tell Lucas what I did. Or more what Dominick did. We are friends he was stupid so so so stupid. But his apology also hurt and I don't know why. I don't want to forget about him, just the kiss.

"Hey babe! Knock knock!" Lucas sprang through the door with a bouquet of flowers.

"Hey how's it going." I say and plaster a smile on my face nervous and feeling uneasy.

"Ugh tired, it's been a long day." he said flopping on my guest bed and he pulls me down to his chest and snuggles with me.

"That's okay. Wanna watch a movie." I say still laying beside him with his hands wrapped around my back.

"Sure I'll call maintenance and have them bring up a selection." He said. I flinch at his words because there's a chance that Dominick will come up here. I do not want that obviously so I think quickly to change the subject.

"You know actually I'm tired can we just take a nap." I say yawning.

"Together?" He questions and his face begins to redden.

I smile and get comfortable using him as a pillow.

He plays with my hair and rubs circles with his thumb along my skin sending me chills.

"I can't sleep with you around." He chokes out.

"Why?" I giggle slightly.

"You make me nervous." He says and kisses my lips. I shiver because he wasn't the last one to kiss those lips. That makes me feel horrible. He's not the one who is nervous, I am for a totally different reason.

"What?" He noticed my contemplating and I know this could be my opportunity but I choose not to take it.

"Nothing, I am fine?" Said unconvincingly, I am such s bad liar ugh.

"SAM, tell me." He begged and I knew by his tone I had to.

"Ugh, I really don't want to. You're gunna be mad and yell at me." I poured hoping he'd give in and let me slide, but he didn't.

"Why would I yell at you ever?! Come on baby, please I want to know what's bugging you so I can fix it!" He said hugging me.

"Uh, ok fine. I kissed someone today.... it wasn't you.... it-it was Dominick." I said and couldn't even look him in his eyes.

He had a long pause and I wasn't sure why, maybe he was holding back his screams? But he looked so un-phased at first.

"Dominick? Okay well..... We will have to talk about this." He said clenching his fists but in a somewhat calm tone.

"Im sorry." I said trying to clear things up.

"No you're not sorry, you just don't want to loose me." He stated.

"I am sorry! And I don't want to loos you!" I pleaded. I saw Lucas's eyes shift towards the doorway and I heard an all too familiar voice speak up.

"Nope Prince Gordon, you don't want to lose her." Dominick said in the doorway dropping a laundry basket into room which was probably his initial reason for being here.

I gave him a confused look which urged him to explain.

"You know exactly what I mean Lucas, if she has feelings for me and leaves you what happens? huh? You're pretty little charade is over, you have no other good publicity to fall back on. No more covering up the fact you're just a 'bad boy' and go to parties instead of international meetings making them so mad they might as well declare sanctions! But let's face it, a pretty face on your arm couldn't dissuade them for long." He scoffed and smashed the basket across the room with his foot. I looked at Lucas feeling utter betrayal and I could almost see his blood boiling beneath his skin and the hatred in the moment for Dominick.

"I don't have anything to say to second class citizens, I didn't want to say anything but the chicken I had yesterday was so undercooked a vet could still revive it. You might want to alert you're disgraceful father to his circumstances as well." He growled and this was a side I have never seen of Lucas completely unromantic and almost devilish. I had to find Josie. I had to leave.

"Lucas, please tell me this isn't true." I pleaded still clinging to any hope that the one that sprung my feelings of love
out of the ever changing abyss of my heart towards him was still there.

I was disappointed, he wasn't. He avoided my eye contact and let out a sigh.

He was actually just using me.

And it hurt....a lot.

"Did you even ever have feelings for me?" I choked out not even caring that hurt was evident in my voice.

"Sam, I did. Why did you think I picked you? I know this is bad, I know that but it-it it..... I guess you can say it was um-uh a win win." He said and bit the inside of his cheek.

I saw a glass of water on the table and dumped the water on his head. He growled and stormed out of my room. Dominick was still standing there and I just sat with my face in my palms and started to cry.

"Sam," Dominick tried to comfort but I wasn't in the mood for him either.

"No, just stop. You caused this." I hissed at him.

"I didn't want you to get hurt." He said walking towards me sitting beside me. I didn't even want him near me right now.

"So I am not hurt right now? Huh? You're stupid! Leave me alone!" I said and shoved him but he grabbed my wrists and forced me to look at him. I continued to ramble.

"I didn't want to kiss you so this is how you get back at me? I told Lucas so we can move forward in our relationship, what you said could've been irrelevant. Ever heard of Cinderella? Don't you think Prince Charming was thinking it was good for his rep a little bit too, and he still loved her with all he had. You are a jealous stupid idiot!" I screamed at him kicking him and crying and he was trying to calm me down but I wasn't having it. I kept pushing and punching his face hard as he stood there taking it.

"You didn't love him! You loved the idea of him! Just sit down! Sam! I know we only met for a few days but I know that I love you. I know for a god damn fact that I do, so maybe I was jealous but was I said was real and I couldn't go on knowing you could be loved and treated so much better. Just calm down and we can have an actual discussion!!" He said picking me up and throwing me on the bed softly trying to get me to stop abusing him. I did get tired. Seeing his now bloody face swell up and bruise did make me feel a little bad.

A was breathing heavily and still managed to spit in his face again. He hovered over me on the bed pinning my arms and legs so I couldn't hurt him anymore.

"I will never love you asshole! I hate you!" I said and started to cry again. He doesn't understand the heartbreak I am having from Lucas. When I love something, I love.

"I hate you so,so much. NEVER even look at me again. I fucking hate you!!

"Ok." His voice broke and tears sprinkled from his eyes as he left me from the bed and walked out, slamming the door.

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