Chapter 15

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Ugh this has been a long couple of days. Tiring too. I woke up in the guest room still next to Lucas. Josie was next to me and I told her everything. I don't know what I am going to do, I hate Dominick, I loved Lucas. At least I think that's how I feel, but I know that's how it should be.

"Josie, we should probably find the next plane out of here. Forget all of this." I said and started shoving clothes into my suitcases.

"Sam, we can't do that and you know that. You and Lucas are on horrible terms and same with Dominick. You can't always run away your problems." Josie said.

"I can try."

I watched Josie walk over to the windowsill and take a seat. She looked at the view and seemed to be in deep thought. Her pursed lips and now stormy eyes glanced over and started studying me.

I walked over to her and we sat at the windowsill just thinking. Of course I had a lot to think about, I made a huge mess of things. I was so emotional and angry at how everything happened. Now I feel so stupid and horrible for how I treated Dominick after the fight. And Lucas, he was so sweet, he just clicked like it was special. But he used me, I'm not some poor girl that should be used as a charity.... Dominick new that. Maybe I made a mistake.

"You're right." I said staring blankly at the floor after my thoughts were being processed.

"Huh?" She returned the tone.

"I can't run away." I said and got up and walked with a purpose out of the room. Whoever I saw first I was going to confront, Luke or Dominick.

"Hello madam."

"Hi." I said to the queen.

"What was all of that ruckus last night? My son Lucas hasn't come out of his room all day! He has missed four meetings! Can you please go and coax him or something, I normally wouldn't ask normals like you to do my dirty work, wait-who am I kidding?! Yes k would! Now go." She ordered, gosh I hate that lady.

I turned around and headed to Lucas's room. As I walked I counted every marble tile and every portrait I passed down the hallway. I don't even know what I am going to say to him. Should I speak my mind or leave on good terms?

"Knock, knock." I said and waited outside of Lucas's door.

"Who is it, go away." Someone growled.

"It's me, Sam." I said calmly but my heart was beating out of my chest.

There was a pause and the door slowly opened.

"Hey." He said quietly.

"Listen, I really don't appreciate what you did to me. I don't want to fight, at least not anymore. But it's time for me to say goodbye and so... bye Lucas." I said not even registering the words I said in my brain I was so nervous and uncomfortable.

"So you just don't want me mad at you because I'm a prince right? So you'll run to your cowboy and try to be friends with me so you get the best of both worlds and I will stay here, hurt and depressed because I actually really like you and the PR was just a plus, I honestly didn't plan any of this, the thing in New York was not planned, but when I met you, you stuck in my brain. I needed something, anything to be with you. I wanted you, I really did." He said stepping closer to me, his hand brushed a piece of hair from my face and I felt his breath on my lips.

It felt wrong, he wanted to use me. That isn't love.

"I think you should learn from mistakes, Goodbye Lucas. I hope you learned a lot for the next girl that walks into your life." I said and stiffened up a bit then walked out and felt his eyes staring me down as I got farther away.

"You're really good at breaking hearts." I heard him scream faintly as he slammed his bedroom door.

"It was already stone cold honey, you just handed me the match." I smirked.


"Josie, I'm going to the stables quick. make sure all of my stuff is packed before we board the plane." I called yo her before I raced down the hall and out the palace doors.

"Ugh, was this walk always this long!" I joked assuming Dominick was in the stables and would say something sarcastic back to break the ice.

I walked in and didn't see anyone,
"Hello? Uh.... Hello?" I said and stopped in my tracks as a tear fell out of my eyes.

Dorothy 3/17/04---9/17/15

She died yesterday.

"Dominick! Dominick!" I screamed wanting to desperately know where he was, that horse meant everything to him I hope he didn't do anything drastic.

"Uhm, ma'am my boy ain't here no more." An older man approached me.

"What do you mean he isn't here anymore?!" I said impatiently. I need to find out, I hope he is okay!

"He left, decided this isn't the place for him. His best friend died, had a real rough day yesterday. It was late last night, he came to my room and before supper and was already in a mess over some girl I think. Said that he'd be okay if he went to see Dorothy for a bit, got to the stables and there she was, dead as a doorknob. Poor boy was crushed found him at 4 am sleeping next to the poor horse and he got the first flight out of here. Funny thing is, I always told him he can't run away from his problems but he was always a momma's boy and found no purpose to stay here anymore. He's old enough and can make his own decision. But I'm gunna miss him, like any father would miss his son. And I know this time, he won't be back." He started to bawl over his son leaving.

"I'm sorry, I really am." I said and hugged him.

We were sitting on a haystack onlooking the entrance to the stables and the horses, directly in front of Dorothy's gravestone (which was just a cross with a ribbon and carved in the dirt was the information I read earlier) obviously Dominick made it by hand and seabed a tarp and flowers over her body.

"I'm gunna miss them." I said sadly.

"Yea me too, you know what? You look like that girl Dominick described, what's your name?" He asked my glumly.

"..... Sam, I am that girl. A lot of stuff happened, and I am sorry. Your son is a great guy, I was in the wrong for being so abusive and stuff." I said and I was so ashamed, I was so immature.

Now I don't know if I will ever see him again. I have to get on my plane in a half an hour and maybe we will be on two different sides of the world, because right now it feels like we are. The last time I spoke to him I was hitting him, it's so weird because right now I just want to hold him and tell him everything's going to be okay.

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