Chapter 7

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"Me? How do I look familiar? I have never seen you before except maybe in a magazine." I retorted. He just shook his head his eyes piercing into mine.

"No, this was recent. Maybe the airport? We have met, I think I would know those eyes." He said still convincing himself.

"Uhhh were you wearing a disguise?" I chuckled just joking around. Suddenly his face lit up.

"Yes! I had on a red shirt and a really weird fake mustache." He said his voice fading out becoming more embarrassed as he went on. Now that I thought about it, I did meet a Lucas with a mustache at the airport.

That was him?

"Why where you wearing a disguise?" I said.

"Have you seen the paparazzi?" He said sarcastically.

"Oh yep, I get it." I nodded

"Yea." He said looking out into the horizon. The air had its morning chill and my teeth started to chatter, Josie was still in the back of my mind but my urgency faded when I knew that I don't have to miss time with Lucas.

"Lucas, why do you like me?" I asked him. I was really curious, it feels like by chance just like poof he likes you. But what would he like about me? I have nothing going for me and to be honest, he doesn't really know me I thought.

"Well at first, I liked your looks. But then, I began to fall for everything about you. For some reason you floated around in my brain. It started as me with a pretty girl in the newspaper, but once I got to know you just a teeny teeny bit. That little page that I read about you makes me want to memorize the whole book and we have to create new chapters, together. We can create a life story. Phew, I have never really been that open in my life, but I feel I have to be with you. I don't know I feel like you deserve the best of me, all of me. I can't hide myself from you, I hope you don't hide yourself from me." he said boring into my eyes. His eyes sparkled and they were searching mine for an answer but I didn't know how to respond to that so I didn't think, I just let my heart speak for me.

"I have never met anyone like you before in my life. That's not because you're a prince either, it's because you make me feel like a princess." I said. we were so close I rested my forehead on his and we were just hearing each other breathing. He rubbed his thumb over my lips his breathing hitched and he slowly, slowly connected our lips. It was the sweetest kiss ever, I don't know how to explain it but I felt his love for me.

"Sam, I don't want you to go." he said and kissed my hair.

"I know Josie is waiting but I can stay a bit longer I guess." I shrugged not wanting to go either.

"No, not like right now. I don't want you to go.....ever." he choked out rubbing my arm. I sighed as and sat up straight.

"But you have to go too, I don't even have a passport. But who cares that's like three days away." I said twiddling my thumbs. I didn't really want to think about us leaving. Why would I? We still have time together.

"I care, I don't want to fall so desperately in love with you, which I feel is inevitable with you. I don't want to fall and have it all stripped away from me in seconds." he said as he pushed the swing back and forth.

"Hey we don't even really know each other that well, maybe we could end up hating each other." I said being brutally honest, I know this isn't true but Lucas is really getting scared about losing me. I have never had anyone care about me before.

"That is so out of the question Sam." He said running his fingers through his hair.

"Can you," he said he let out a frustrated sigh and balled his fists. he had a pleading look in his eyes. He changed his thought and shook his head.

"I want you." he breathed and smashed his lips against mine kissing me passionately. He pulled my body so close to his our torsos were rubbing against each other. I was really enjoying the kiss. He kept deepening the kiss and I cupped my hands around his neck as his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me so close to him. I was about the kiss him again but he pulled away and started kissing my neck. I was wondering what he was doing but his eyes were closed and he was moving in a cautious and careful manner leaving a trail of kisses over my collar bone.

"Lucas." I said and he withdrew his hands and stiffened a bit.

"Sorry, I- yea" he stuttered and his face went red.

"It's okay." I said and pecked his cheek.

"Are you sure, if you're not comfortable just tell me. I really like you and don't want to like, I am not sure." He said in his lovely British accent sounding embarrassed, but I don't know why.

"It's fine, it's okay." I said. My phone started buzzing like crazy, so when I checked it I saw about ten messages from Josie spazzing out. She must just be waking up. She is extremely worried about me. I feel so bad.

"I have to go." I said and ran down the stairs and out of the building. I got to the hotel and Josie was standing there ready to probably kill me.

"Where have you been?! You had me crazy insane!!!" She screamed.

"I am sorry, I don't even honestly know what got into me. I am over the bad mood, and I lost track of time." I said with my head down.

"Well where did you go?!!!! Who were you with?!!!! What happened to you!! SAM this is serious I am NOT joking." She said about to cry.

"I am fine now." I reassured her.

"Answer me." She said sternly.

"I was with Lucas, we were hanging out on the roof of this restaurant. I accidentally felt asleep their but trust me it isn't what it sounds like." I sighed as Josie face turned to anger.

"You were with that boy?! Come on Sam!!!! Don't you have any sense to run away with a boy?!" She growled and screamed.

"It wasn't like that." I rolled me eyes.

"Yes it was!! You were missing and you were with a boy! No doubt you guys did more than just talk." She scoffed.

"I thought you were my friend." I growled and started walking away.

"Sam, I am you're friend. As a friend I have too look out for what's best for you, even if it means you aren't happy, it's better in the long run." she said.

"In the long run?!" I said so frustrated, she so does not get it.

"Josie tell me where am I going to be in the long run?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Better off." She snapped back. I walked back furiously so angered.

"No!! I will be back in Langston! Back in that small old dirt town mopping floors and cleaning crumbs off coffee tables!! The only way how people will ever know my name is reading it off of my name tag on my apron! If you don't let me have what I have right now, years from now the only thing I will ever be is 'what if'." I said tears now brimming my eyes and I stared right into hers which as I said every word her face began to soften. I stood their frozen but full of emotion, waiting for her response.

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