Chapter 8

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"I don't know you anymore." Josie choked out and ran away. Why is she playing the victim. She is the one hurting me! I think I really like Lucas, and she is making me feeling horrible by not supporting me.

"Ugh." I groaned now alone on the sidewalk. I couldn't chase after Josie, it was too pointless. I didn't want to fight anymore.

I sat there on the curb with makeup running down my face being so dramatic crying my eyes out. This trip has gone so wrong but so right. I don't want to lose Josie because she is my rock and I always loved the nursery rhyme, "make new friends but keep the old one and silver and the other is gold" but sadly the chips don't fall like that. She is making me choose. I can't! Not after what me and Lucas had just shared. That kiss came out of nowhere but it was passionate even though we barely even know each other. Now I don't think I can live without him, I have lived my whole live with my sister, Josie. I need them both in my life. I have always wanted to travel, I didn't know it would mean distancing myself from my best friend.

"You! Miss!" I heard a voice shouting. I looked up because it seemed he was calling after me.

"Yes! You!" He said running across the street sitting next to me on the curb.

"You are the girl! My brother, he has been talking to you I think?" He said wiping my face. I gave him a confused expression.

"Oh, excuse me! Harold Gordan the third! I am Lucas's older brother. You are the girl he has been talking too? I have seen you in tabloids everywhere." He said. I nodded. I really wasn't in the mood to talk. Then I didn't want to give him a bad first impression, but it was probably already too late. He did wipe my tears and makeup from my face.

"Uh yea sorry." I said trying to stop the tears.

"It's fine, may I ask what is troubling you?" He said placing his hands on mine in a comforting way.

"It's nothing. Really I am fine." I shook off. We did just meet, it would be weird if I just opened up to him instantly.

"Well if that's what you Americans call 'fine' I would not want to see you un-fine." He chuckled. I giggled too.

"Yea sorry." I apologized again.

"No need! I'm glad I found you, my brother hasn't talked much of you to anyone. We have seen you on the magazines but it seems it's a sensitive subject for Lucas. Maybe because he has never had a real interest, and he is probably nervous on telling our parents." he said.

I didn't know how to respond. I mean I wish we were serious and everything, but he lives halfway around the world. I really like him but that can't work, we can't work. I am okay with that as long as I have him now.

"Well it's complicated." I shrugged.

"Oh, well I hope it works out. You seem like a nice girl." He said placing his hand on mine.

"Thanks, uh thanks. This is all really overwhelming." I sighed.

"It's okay, I'm not sure I understand your situation but at least you should know that I'm here for you." he said.

"Thank you that's really sweet, but I think I'm okay. You probably have a ton of other stuff to do, you are a prince." I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey, whatever floats so your boat. But when your sick and tired of Lucas trying to hide you from the family just come to me. Lucas is really shy talking to our parents about girls because they instantly think your gunna be the next princess or something." he said chuckling.

"Haha don't worry." I blushed imagining Lucas talking about me to his family.

"Well it was nice meeting you, you do seem like a nice girl. Different." he chuckled and dusted himself off as he headed into a limo that just pulled up.
As he left I decided to go find Josie. I can't stay mad at her, after all she is my best friend. Besides who am I going to tell that I just met Lucas's brother?!

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