Chapter 3

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It was our second day in New York and I Was just getting out of the shower, Josie was already waiting for me.

"Alright lets go, I think there is a nice café down the block." Josie said checking her map.

"Okay but no shortcuts!" I warned her jokingly. I pinned up my hair into a messy bun, grabbed a loose button up plaid shirt with a tank underneath it, keeping my plaid shirt unbuttoned with my gold cross necklace and paired with skinny jeans.

"Fine lets go!" She said. We both left and headed towards another cafe for breakfast. Even though this is out second cafe they are all a bit different and you definitely are trying something new.

"Ugh I haven't done this much walking in my life!" I complained walking up a slight hill.

"Well at least you aren't in heels!" Josie retorted taking off her pumps massaging her feet.

"That was your choice." I snorted back laughing. She rolled her eyes and nudged me playfully.

"This is it here, it wasn't that bad of a walk. And after this we can go see the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty and maybe tomorrow we can catch Ellis Island. Oh and there is a broadway show of Annie tomorrow at 7 I have tickets for that and reservations at the Wincster Restaurant it's very posh I heard." Josie said rambling off the schedule. I was very pleased I can't wait, there is so much to see.

We walked into the cafe and the door jingled the first thing I saw was the table of deserts they had underneath the check out counter. But that wasn't the first thing Josie saw.

"SAM!!!" She gasped.

"SAM!! OMG SAMM!!" He was freaking out going crazy everything.

"WHAT WHAT WHAT?! Tell me!!" I said as people started to stare .

"THAT'S YOU!!!!!!! ON THE NEWS PAPER!!!!" She said grabbing it off of the news stand.

I took one two. I gasped and read the headline.

Cambridge's Prince Lucas Gordan New Mystery Girlfriend

Was what it read.

"WHAT?! I don't even know him!" I said so confused.

"Where did that picture even come from?! Huh?!" I said panicking. I noticed some flashes from outside.

"Sam, it was when we saw the crowd of paparazzi! You must have been standing next to the Prince! Now they think you're dating!! Sam!!!" She said finally having it make a bit of sense. The cameras have been following me ever since I now realized.

"But me? Dating a Prince?! I am from Mississippi!!!" I said like what are the odds!

"I know! I little old country bumpkin like yourself dating royalty?! HA!" Josie mocked. She was right. This was so bizarre. I looked at the paper again. It was the New York Times from page. This is bad.

"Josie we have to tell them." I said pointing to the growing paparazzi outside.

"Why? You don't have to get involved with that. Besides we don't have time! We have so much stuff to do!" He said and took em to the counter so we could order out foods.

"I will have a chocolate muffin And my fiend wishes to have a carrot cake and cream cheese frosting cupcake please." I said and ordered for the both of us. We got our little pastries and found a booth. We were going to sit by the window but paparazzi were there so we sat in the back by the bathrooms. The total New York experience. This whole trying to hide from the public is starting to make me bitter. I just want to be free, I wouldn't mind being in the public, being in society if I wasn't being judge by my every strand of hair and every stitch of fabric on my body. I wouldn't mind.

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