Chapter 4

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I was laying in my bed thinking about yesterday. The guy who I had liked for a very very long time finally calls me and I reject him, I push away a prince and I barely got to spend anytime with Josie because I was stalked by paparazzi. I just can't win.
I don't know how I feel about Lucas. I don't know , I definitely didn't think I was coming to New York to find love.

"Sam are you up?" Josie mumbled.

"Huh? Yea." I said being shaken out of my thoughts.

"Ok well what do you have planned for today?" She said standing up to stretch.

"Uh I don't know, just see where the day takes us I guess." I sighed resting my face in the palm of my hands. She rolled her eyes.

"Fine we are going to the broadway show, we didn't get to go to the one yesterday so we will go to the one tonight. No backing out to run around with some boys!" She joked.

"HA! That won't happen ever again. In my life. Ever. Forever alone." I said.

"Be quiet." Josie chuckled. I let out a stiff laugh.

"Come on I have some apples in my bag, lets to or a walk." She said as she grabbed two apples and handed one to me. I changed into some jeans and a tee-shirt and threw on an oversized leather jacket and some boots.

"Lets go!" I said and charged out of our hotel. Josie giggled and followed me.

I tightened up my shoes and we walked out of our hotel room and out the door. The pavement was sticky and the air was cool due to the midnight rain that had just came down earlier and the air was still humid.

"We can walk to the Empire State Building from here!" Josie said excitedly and started walking fast.

"Okay great!" I said and followed her fast lead. My mind kept drifting off to Lucas and how I wanted to see him again, but new that was very unlikely. But what was unlikely was that we even met, he even liked me.

We walked a couple blocks and entered the iconic building. We clicked the elevator button to the top floor because that's where the best views are.

It was a smooth elevator ride which was good because sometimes they make me uneasy. It was really crowded on this floor mostly families buzzing around. I found an open binocular by the window and grabbed Josie's hand and walked over to it to slip in my quarter.

"Ha OMG Josie I can see EVERYTHING!!" I said zooming in as close as I could. Josie was taking pictures of the skyline. This city I guess you could say is just like every other one but it's not the structures or the people or the location, this city represents hope, opportunity and freedom. It's not a city it's a symbol. I am so glad I chose to come here, I think I may want to move to a city when I get older, I love the atmosphere, always up and always moving.

"Oh let me see!" Josie said as the binoculars went black because the time allotted ran out and I slipped in another quarter or Josie. As she was looking through the binoculars I looked around on the walls and they had the history of the city and a lot of other fun facts. I read them because I was really interested. I wonder what charities they have here. I was always bummed in Langston because they didn't have many charities at all and I always feel like it's good to give back, so around Christmas time I always gave presents to the less privileged kids in our town I loved seeing how much they appreciate the gifts.

"Ma'am are you looking for something?" A worker said putting papers away. She seemed pretty unenthused so I just shook my head not wanting to engage in conversation with her because the grayness on her face instantly distanced me from her.

I saw some photographers behind me and I sighed. They followed me here too?

I walked back over to Josie who was taking more pictures. She had this guy's arms wrapped around her, she was very flirty so I wasn't surprised when he posed like that for a picture.

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