Chapter 10

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"Omg OMG OMG!" I said so excited to Josie sitting next to me on the plane.

"Shhhh I'm trying to get some sleep." She groaned. I rolled my eyes and looked over to Lucas with his hat and sunglasses on looking down as he didn't seem to be enjoying this. It's sort of made me sad but I just kept looking at him.

"I see you Sam." He groaned through sunglasses turning his head to faced me.

"Oh." I said awkwardly and shifted away but then he turned me to face him again.

"What's wrong?" He asked me. Hey, I was fine he was the one acting weird.

"Nothing, it's just you seem i don't know, nervous?" I said biting my tongue and playing with my hands. Why am I having this conversation?

"Oh, no I am fine. Trust me, it's just I love New York. You know that feeling when you're coming back from vacation and you're sort of sad..." He trailed off but I could straight up tell he was lying like it was obvious.

I rolled my eyes and totally ignored him. I hate being lied to.

"Sam, you would understand if you were me ok?" He said with an apologetic tone in his voice.

"Just tell me." I huffed.

He looked at me and was hesitant.

"I don't want to go to Cambridge with you like this, honestly." I snapped getting annoyed, it seems like no one is enjoying this trip, I was not having it anymore.

He sighed and took off his sunglasses and hat and people around us were staring and started to subtly take pictures and murmur.

"Look at me Sam, what do you see?" He said staring me straight in the eyes, but I felt he could see more that just the color of them. Ny cheeks started to reveal my vulnerablity and he was holding my waist firmly and I couldn't dodge this one. But I have never really thought about it so I'm just gunna go for it.

"I see a man who cares. I see a man who is strong, I see you for who you are. Um, and I see a man is loving and smart, funny, and perfect." I said honestly looking down not wanting to see him blush because that would make me blush along with heart palpitations lol.

"See Sam, what you see and what my parents see are totally different." He sighed.

"So your brother was right! You are scared of your parents!!" I said sort of saying I told ya so.

"No! I'm not scared! It's just awkward, they are very judgmental. Plus they already tried setting me up with a girl once, she was totally not my type. She tall, blonde, rich, extremely snobby, she only cared about name brand clothes and gourmet caviar. I don't want that, but my parents think I do. Every girl I talk to isn't like my parents imagine her to be and its not like they will understand, they are very judgmental." he said with his strong Accent.

"I am the complete opposite! They are gunna hate me, Lucas you have to talk to them for me." I said extremely scared and nervous now!

"It's okay, we can probably just say we are friends." He says trying to calm me down now. I shake my head furiously and try to speak fast.

"No, because your brothers already know. Tabloids are everywhere, what are they gunna do, have me banished?! Take me back to Mississippi!!" I said frantic.

Josie woke up and slapped my arm, "what is your problem?" She said adjusting her neck pillow.

"We are country folk, they are proper and fancy. I use napkins as bibs while the probably use hundred dollar bills. I don't have enough gas money to drive around the corner and they have enough plane fuel to fly around the world six times! This isn't gunna work out?! Why did I think it could?!" I said coming to a realization.

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