⭐️4| the poisoned chalice

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Aurora held back a laugh at Merlin's face as he carried a large brown bag. She stepped out of his way, an arm linked with Gaius'. Merlin rolled his eyes as he noticed his sister's face and she shrugged.

"Why do I always get landed with the donkey work?" He complained, stopping to speak with the two. Aurora smiled, feeling a small rush of pity as the obvious struggle Merlin was going through.

"You're a servant, Merlin. It's what you do." Gaius replied, no sympathy in his words as he turned to face the young warlock. Aurora winced, pretending to pour water onto the floor. Merlin scoffed, looking back at Gaius to ignore his sister.

"My arms'll be a foot longer by the time I get this lot inside." He continued to moan and groan like an old man, and Aurora sighed, glancing behind her at the incoming servant. The witch smiled at the girl, admiring her blue turban as the maidservant returned her gesture.

"Character building. As the old proverb says, hard work breeds..." Gaius paused, looking down as he tried to come up with the rest of the sentence. Merlin raised an eyebrow, sharing a look with his sister.

"...a harder soul." The elderly man finished, and Aurora laughed, placing a hand on her stomach. She shook her head as Gaius let slip a small smile.

"There is no way that's a proverb! That's as fake as Merlin's laugh when he eats mother's food." Merlin jumped forward to slap his sister's arm as she laughed harder, dodging away from his grasp.

"Oi! You promised you wouldn't mention that!" He chuckled. The maidservant that had previously smiled at Aurora walked between them, tripping over her own feet. She dropped her bundle of material and groaned quietly.

"Sorry." She said as Merlin knelt down to hep her. The boy reassured her that it was fine, and Aurora stopped, furrowing her brow. A sharp pain exploded in her stomach, and she glanced up at Gaius with worry. As soon as it hard started, it was over, and Aurora rubbed her thumb over the spot. She shook it off, tuning back into the conversation in time to hear the two introduce each other.

"Kara." The girl smiled, looking back briefly at Aurora. She turned her gaze back to Merlin, and the witch blew out a breath. Gaius raised his eyebrows at how Merlin tried to impress the girl, disbelief crossing his face. Aurora smiled awkwardly, trying to ignore the strange feeling bubbling in her stomach. Merlin watched Kara leave with a small smile as Gaius stepped forward, taking Aurora's arm.

"Shouldn't you be busy running the place?" He chuckled, turning away from the warlock.

Aurora clutched at her stomach, leaning back against the plush sheets of Morgana's bed. Gwen stood behind the woman, fiddling with her hair as the two spoke. Morgana noticed Aurora's discomfort through the mirror, and called for her.

"I'm alright. Just feeling a bit odd." The witch replied, pulling her ginger hair over one shoulder to comb through it with her fingers.

"Are you sick?" Gwen questioned, slipping pearls into Morgana's hair.

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