Chapter 1: Fun, Law and Fun

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Liyue// Qingxu Pool {15:43}

(Hu Tao's pov)

I was just walking around Qingxu Pool. Then I see a familiar figure. They had long salmon pink hair and greenish eyes. They looked like a somebody I knew a long time ago. Should I go to them? Or should I walk away?

I was so curious that I walked up to that person and..

"Hey don't we know eachother?"

The person turned around and they weren't happier to see me..

"Yes I know you, Hu Tao." it was Yanfei, my childhood friend, but we've became enemies for personal reasons..

"Oh, sorry I didn't know it was you.."
"It's okay." she said and slowly walking away. "WAIT!" I shouted at her and she turned around and said "Yes? I don't have much time sorry so spit it out." "I know this is awkward to ask but... Can we be friends again?.." I know that she is thinking now about it, there is a low chance she'll say yes. As minutes go by, she nods. I was happy for that!

"Well we can be friends but NOT close friends ok?" "Sure!" she was about to walk away when I stopped her "What again??" "Can I go with you?" "N-" "Pleasee"

I thought she was going to say yes this time, but I was wrong. "Yea No."

Then tried to walk away as fast as she could. I gave her some minutes to think that I am gone. But I started to follow her to Liyue Harbor. She had some "legal hearing". Gosh.. being a lawyer is a harsh job..

As I got to Liyue Harbor. I saw Yanfei, I wanted to spook her a little.

"Yanfei~~" I said in a creepy voice. "Hu Tao I know it's you so stop playing games with me." shit how did she know?? "H-how did you know??" "I can recognize your voice miles away. That's how."

I don't know why, but she is sometimes acting creepy.

"I need to go now, bye." as she turned around and left." "Hey Yanfei! One last question.." "What?" "Can we meet up at Tianqiu Valley tomorrow?" "Sure I guess??" "Good! See you there then! Baii!" "Bye."

(Yanfei's pov)

"Finally she left me alone. Good.. Now I am bored.. I should read the law again! Where was I the last time.. hm hu hm.. Found it! Page 1367! Ooo lets see what we've got here... Accidental murder?.. What is this.."

As I've dived deeper to the words and letters of this chapter of law.. I've discovered something.. "If you kill somebody, but you did it for a another person, but they have your family hostaged or something else important to you that is an accidental murder? That doesn't make any sense! Maybe I would understand it more if some idiot who wrote it would have better writing skills! They should open a book sometimes!"

Liyue// Liyue Harbor {21:16}

"*Yawn* I should go to sleep... I have another stupid legal hearing tomorrow, and also I have to meet up with her.. WAIT. SHE DIDN'T GIVE ME THE TIME WE HAVE TO MEET UP! UGH!" Yanfei was about to go to sleep when she remembered that Hu Tao did not give her time when they are planning to meet up.

(Hu Tao's pov)

I was at my way to Yanfeis house because I forgot to give her time that we should meet up. But-

"UGH I HAVE TO GO TO THAT STUPID ASS BECAUSE SHE FORGOT TO GIVE ME THE TIME-" she noticed me "Oh hey Hu Tao what are you doing here?" "I wanted to give you time when we are going to meet up.." "Ok tell me the time.." "Well, we can meet up at 14:00?.." "Sure then I'll have time.." "Mhm.." I was kinda hurt about what she said about me "Stupid ass"..  I know it isn't such a big deal to some people, but it is for me. "Hey Hu Tao.." "?" "I  feel bad for saying that, you can over sleep at my house.." I was so excited about it! "THANK YOU YANFEI!" "No problem.. Have you had dinner yet?" "No, why?" "You can eat what I've made! It's just an egg with a soy sauce nothing special." "Nice!"

Liyue// Liyue Harbor {00:03}

(Yanfei's pov)

"HAHAHAAH!" we suprisingly got drunk, I had saved rhum for hard days in my life, well I guess not anymore. "SILLY CHURL, BILLY CHURL" "YO STOP SINGING MY SONG!" "WATCHU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT BITCH?!" "DON'T YOU DARE TO DISOBEY ME YANFEI! UHH GHUH.. RAAAAWR" then she slipped on spilled rhum and hitted her head. "You good my friend??" "Yea duh." then we had party for some more hours and the fell asleep.

                                             End of this chapter.

[This is the first chapter! I know it is dog shit, but I atleast put some effort lol. I think I'll add some more chapters idk. We've got 828 words! Bye!]

The Season we Fell in Love// GENSHIN IMPACT (Yanfei x Hu Tao) AU! Where stories live. Discover now