Chapter 9: "Why would I do that?"

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Liyue// Liyue Harbor {09:34}

(Yanfei's pov)

I think that me and Hu Tao are slowly becoming alcoholics. Because everytime we are together we drink. I should wake her up.

I tapped her on he back and she slowly woke up. When she turned to me she was in shock. "Y-Y-Yanfei?? You have a big red thingy on your forehead." what was she talking about?? I looked in the mirror and saw it. I nearly jumped. It looked like lip imprind. Oh.

Then I remebered that we have put lipstick on our mouth before drinking. Why would she kiss my forehead?

"So did you find out what was it." "You kissed me on my forehead." she blushed.

"R-really?" I nodded and she was blushing even more. "WHY WOULD I DO THAT??" "ARE YOU EXPECTING ME TO KNOW?" "NO.." "Uhh let's check if you have one or if I have more of them." "Okay.."

We checked ourselfs and I only found lipstick stains. On my neck and my shoulder. "Why would I do that?" "I don't know but it's kinda weird and the worst part is that we remember shit from the night."

Then something was itching me on the back so I scratched it but it hurt as hell. "Shit.. what is that on my back." "What?" "I don't know it just hurts so much uh." Hu Tao checks it.

"It looks like bruise with something red around it?.." "Bring me the small mirror please." she brought me the small mirror and I wasn't very pleased with the result. "Why does it look like a hickey???" "I don't know.."

Then Xinyan bursted in. "SUP MY WEAKLINGS!" then she noticed that me and Yanfei were doing something. "Hey Xinyan! I didn't expect you to be here!" "Yea yea I was just walkin' around the neigborhood and thought that I can stop here for a while. Anyways what are you guys doin'?" "Ohh I found a itching blue thingy on my back. Hu Tao think that it is a bruise, but we aren't sure. Can you check on it?" "Hell yeah!"

As she checked it and was kinda surprised and digusted at the same time. "Girl what were you and Hu Tao were doin' last night?" "Oh we were drinking." "Well that explains it." "Explains what?" "Gurll Hu Tao gave you a mfking hickey." "WHAT." we both yelled at her in emberassment. We both were blushing very hard. "Yep yep, you guys are getting lil sussy here.. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
"Shut up." "Ok ok chill Yanfei."

It was really emeberassing. Me and Yanfei could not stand an eye contact so I went home. Good for me because wanted to avoid Xinyan's teasing. I think that she is teasing Yanfei about it till now-.

What should I do? I should take a nap.

(Yanfei's pov)

"XINYAN CAN YOU PLEASE STOP TEASING ME ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED? IT IS JUST A ONE SHITTY HICKEY!" "Yea, but you also found a lipstick stain on your neck and shoulder.?" I know that I can't argue with this fact. "Yea you're right. Sorry." "Good. What should we do now?" "I don't know." "Do you know Beidou?" "Yea but we aren't close." "Same. Do you know Zhongli?" "Yea he's Hu Tao's friend." "We should visit him? He is a good guy." "Ok."

(Zhongli's pov)

I just came from Snezhnaya. Finally. My bones were freezing here. How can Tartaglia survive in it?? I also have to go to Mondstaldt next week. Why? Because of Venti. He wats to have some "Ex archon meeting". I thought the whole time that he was a girl. For real. He has this high pinched voice. Really high pinched.

I was infront of my house when I saw Xinyan and Yanfei standing here. I knew Xinyan more than Yanfei. But Yanfei was Hu Tao's friend so I kinda liked her more. "Hey." "Hey Zhongli! You know Yanfei?" "Yes, I do." "Hey Zhongli I've heard you've been in Snezhnaya. How was it?" "Terribly cold." "Oh. I thought so." then I've heard Hu Tao from a far. So did they. Yanfei started blushing so much when she saw Hu Tao. Hu Tao did aswell. "Xinyan, one word."

Me and Xinyan went somewhere private. "What you living mummy?" "Why are those two blushing so much around each other?" "Well... they have a lil secret." she came closer and whispered "Hu Tao gave hickey to Yanfei." WHAT. She gave her what??! "Well I am not going comment this."

We all went to my house and had tea party. Yanfei and Hu Tao tried to covince me to take out the alcohol. I said no because I don't want them to have.. um.

We have been up till midnight and then we went to sleep.

[This chapter was confusing a little- OK so uhm.. I'll be moe active and updates will come sooner. I am pretty surprised that 100+ people would acctually read this dog shit- Bye!]

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