Chapter 3: Understand before the meeting

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Liyue// Liyue Harbor {13:02}

(Hu Tao's pov)

Xinyan left 30 minutes ago. Yanfei's and her relationship interested me and I wanted to know more. Yanfei finally came back to me.

"Hey Hu Tao, how are you?" "I'm good what about you?" "I'm great thanks."
We didn't know what we should do. Then I remembered that I wanted to know about her and Xinyans relationship.

"Can I ask you something?" "Yes, what is it?" "What is you relationship with Xinyan?"

She was silend the sighed.

"My relationship with Xinyan is complicated, we either hate eachother of love eachother. We are bestfriends since birth. I've never told you that because you would get jealous. Are very similiar bit it doesn't seem to be real. She is teaching me to music because if everyone would be honest and happy my backup plan would be to become a rapper!"


(Yanfei's pov)

I know it may sound weird that I want to be a rapper. But I don't know what I would do then. I was also interested in her's and Zhongli's relationship.

"Ok ok, now.. What is your and Zhongli's relationship like?" she seemed kinda flushed whan I mentioned Zhongli. Did the had something together?? "Yea s-sure."

"So... me and Zhongli are bestfriends! We trust eachother and brag about eachothers lives and more! He is really nice, but he sometimes barks on me because I am pranking him! I think he really doesn't like my childish behavior. I also have to pay him for the stuff that I destroyed with my prank! And I think that is all that I can tell about me and Zhongli!"

He "barks" on her? Wtf.

"Hey Hu Tao it's 13:46 we should head to Tianqiu Valley?" "Well yea! We should!" "Ok then let's go.."

Liyue// Tianqiu Valley {14:06}

(Hu Tao's pov)

"Wow it's so beautiful here!" "Look over there! Hilichurls!" Yanfei wanted to attack them but I stopped her. "Wha- why are you stopping me??" "Beacuse they were here before us and we can't go just into somebodys territory and kill them!" she rolled her eyes back "Ugh fine. Lets just sit somwhere." in Tianqiu Valley there is a big lake and we sat at the lake shore. It was beautiful here. It was our small picnic. We were chit chatting and stuff.

It was getting kinda late and we started to be tired. We still had a long way home. This time I could not stay at Yanfei's she is scared that we will get drunk again.

"We should head home it is getting really dark out here." Yanfei spoke. "Yea you're right, we should."

We headed home and still chatting around. This time about food. I like tea! I think it is my favourite drink. This time I wanted to prank Yanfei with one of my ghosts!

"Oh god, Yanfei something it behind you!" "What?" she turns around and. "AAAAAAAAAAA!" I thought that my ears were about to explode- "NEVER DO THIS AGAIN! IT SCARED THD SHIT OUT OF ME!" "By your scream I think that my ghost will have bigger trauma than you." she glared at me for a while. "Ok ok I will not do it again okay?" "You better not."

We still talked till we rached Liyue Harbor there our paths diverged. "Bye Yanfei!" "See you Hu Tao!"

I went to my house and read a romance book. I'm not really into romance but I really don't want to go to sleep that early. I've read some pages did my dinner and then read some pages again and went to sleep.

[Half of this chapter was not my idea it belonged to ementy6! They're an amazing person! <3]

The Season we Fell in Love// GENSHIN IMPACT (Yanfei x Hu Tao) AU! Where stories live. Discover now