Chapter 2: Shitty Lawyer and Rockstar Emo

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Liyue// Liyue Harbor {11:32}

(Hu Tao's pov)

"Uhh... ugh.. my head... hurts so much..." I woke up with serious headache. I stood up and went to the closest mirror and I saw a blood flow comming out of my forehead. I panicked and tryied to wake up Yanfei. "YANFEI, YANFEI WAKE UP!" "W-w-what??" "LOOK AT MY FACE!" "Yea ok... As I expected as ugly as always." "LOOK AT MY FOREHEAD." "I don't need to see you huge ass forehead." "BUT THERE IS A STRONG BLOOD FLOW." "Strong what?" she finally managed to look at my forehead and FINALLY noticed the blood.

"What in the Murata-" "YOU FINALLY SAW IT!" "Yea! Better get it bandaged until something gets dirty."

As was Yanfei bandaging my head she realized that she will have legal hearing around 12:00 and it's 11:54.. She got up as fast as she could. Her career means a lot to her.

"Hu Tao stay here! I need to go to my job!" "Ok bye!"

Liyue// Liyue Harbor {12:07}

(Yanfei's pov)

"Ugh where is my lawyer! I didn't hire somebody to come late! She was reliable until now!" the lady was mad at me for comming late. "I'M HERE! SORRY FOR BEING LATE!.." "You took your time young lady!" geez she is angry for comming like 5 minutes late. "Do I smell rhum from you young lady?!" "Probably not-" "Yes I do. Not only thing that you come late to our legal hearing you were drunk! I want a new lawyer!" "Well me drinking is none of your buissnes and go on to find another lawyer. No other lawyer in Teyvat is good as I am." she looked at me in disbelief "Excuse me?! You're shitty lawyer! I hope nobody else hires you!" she swinged and left. "What the acctual fuck.."

(Hu Tao's pov)

I was making myself a tea while Yanfei bursted in. "Jesus Yanfei wat's wrong?!" "That person that I've had legal hearing with was a bitch." I did not knew what was she talking about. I was just boiling a water so I tryied to be polite and I offered a tea. "Yea sure, I'd like some.."

As we were sipping the tea somebody knocked on the door. "I'm going to get it." I waited till Yanfei opened the door and I don't hear one voice comming here, they were two. "Hey it was just my friend Xinyan!" "Sup Hu Tao, how's your life going?" Xinyan asked me "My life is going pretty well thanks!" I find Xinyan cool. Liyue people don't like her for who she is. Liyue people can suck ass. Wait-

(Xinyan's pov)

I did not expect to see Hu Tao here. She is mostly with Zhongli and not with Yanfei.
But I tryied to act as natural as I could. "Xinyan lets go somewhere more private." Yanfei said. "Sure.."

"Guess what happened." "What?" "I was late for my legal hearing and that lady was having attitude so I setted her to her place." "Damn. Respect." "Yea I know." I was curious what was Hu Tao doing here. Weren't they enemies like a day ago?? "Hey you and Hu Tao? Aren't you guys enemies or sum shit?" "Hu Tao? We were. We've became friends again." I raised an eyebrow cuz it was kinda sus. Idk meybe cu enemies to lovers??? "There isn't and there'll not be anything between me and Hu Tao, understood?" "Yea right.."

As we were chit chatting longer Hu Tao came in "Bye Yanfei and Xinyan! I'm going home!" "Bye!" we both said. "And Yanfei, don't forget on our meeting!" "Yea yea I won't." what meeting?! I know there is something I am missing.
                                             End of this chapter.

[This one was short ik! More chapters will be published soon dw! Bye!]

The Season we Fell in Love// GENSHIN IMPACT (Yanfei x Hu Tao) AU! Where stories live. Discover now