Chapter 13: "Just platonic"

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[A/N: All bg credits to person that drew it! I   forgot their username :(]

Liyue// Liyue Harbor {12:33}

(Yanfei's pov)

I was hugging something really big. It's was warm and friendly.... but it was snoring really loud. I pushed myself away from it.

"Where the fuck you thing you're going kitten."



"Why did you call me a kitten Miss Hu Tao..."

It was REALLY silent. Obviously she didn't answer.

"I don't want you to leave me... I feel so cold.." "Awhh.."

(Hu Tao's pov)

I don't know how to feel. I just felt so safe and loved in her embrace... I wanted to experience it more and more... it's like... it's like a drug that makes you get addicted to it real fast.

My cheeks heatened up when she hugged me from behind. She nuzzled into my neck and "accidentaly" licked it.


She was really emberassed by it. But it was rly cute.

"Yeahh right.." I wanted to tease her a bit.

"I'M TELLING THE TRUTH." "Okay.. okay.."

I stopped the small provocation act because she was about to leave me >:(.

Somehow I felt so sleepy again in her embrace. She seemed to notice and gave me a small kiss on my cheek.

"I love you.." I said silently. "What?."


"I meant it in the platonic way I-I swear!!.." she had let out a sigh and continued hugging me.

Maybe... I didn't even meant it platonically but... romantically?... no no no it can't be.

Liyue// Liyue Harbor {14:49}

(Xinyan's pov)

I wanted to grab some food at Wanmin Restaurant but started a whole ass convo with Xiangling instead. She cooked me a lot of good meals. I honestly like that girl!

*few minutes after*

I already ate up and left no crumbs. I should visit Yanfei to tell her that I have a bit of time so we can practice. To be honest... my rock n' roll skill and her rap skills combined... could do some good music! I should get on my way then.


I really wasn't expecting to see Hu Tao there instead of Yanfei. Well..

"Uhm hi Hu Tao." "Hello Xinyan.. What do you need?" "Uhh..."

"Is Yanfei home?" "Yes."

Then I saw Yanfei looking from behind of Hu Tao's back.

"Oh hey Xinyan. What's up?" "Ya know.. our practicing n' that stuff..." "OH. I'M SI SORRY I COMPLETLY FORGOT!"

She ran off and then ran back again. "You can go in! Come on! Make yourself comfortable!" "Bet!!"

I said. I sat down on this couch. It was really good. I acctually don't like Hu Tao's presence that much, it's like-

Like I would choke on glass of water and she would make a dark joke. I like dark humor but c'mon man.

After a few mins Hu Tao went upstairs. I don't even know why.

She came back and haven't spoke a word. Just gave me a deadly glare.

Liyue// Some place {17:13}

(Hu Tao's pov)

I went to the practice with Yanfei and Xinyan. They got into it real good. Yanfei was really skilled with her words it was surprising. And Xinyans music into it was... Chefs kiss. I wish my singing would fit into Yanfei's prespectives...

To be honest... they look so good togehter. They're both so happy..

Seeing Yanfei happy with another person acctually hurt. Terribly hurt.

When they weren't looking I sneaked away and left to Liyue Harbor.

Liyue// Liyue Harbor {17:58}

I was walking around the dock while thinking about seeing Yanfei so happy with Xinyan. When I suddently-

"Ouch!" "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Lemme help ya!"

I bumped into an unknown person. They were very very pretty... I almost blushed.

"I'm so sorry for bumping into you.." "It's fine haha!"

They were so nice.. I loved their personality and we just met.

"What is your name? And if you can tell me more about you? Maybe we can be friends!" I said as she giggled.

"Let's start off by your name maybe? I'm Hu Tao."

"Haha! Nice name! My name is Yoimiya!"


To Be Contined...

[So sorry for being inactive. I just kind of lost motivation and focused more on myself. I will try to post more but this time it's true. Have a nice day/night!]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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The Season we Fell in Love// GENSHIN IMPACT (Yanfei x Hu Tao) AU! Where stories live. Discover now