Donnie and Mikey's secret is out

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I knocked again on Raphs door."RAPH WAKE UP ITS TIME FOR MORNING TRAINING." I said again but this time Raph opened the door."Raph your late for training and your never late for that, is something going on? " I asked a bit worried but he just rolled his eyes and started to close the door but I stopped it."Leo I'll be out in a sec., I just need to put my stuff on." With that I let the door close and I walked to my room and sat on my bed, 'Ok something is up with Raph? Hes late for taining... I wonder if he is going to be Ok beccause now I am really worryed, firat it was not wanting to train then its dont feel good to train and its driving me MAD.... Leo calm down and breath... Hopfully there is a good reason for this.' when I got up again I went to the kitchen and saw Mikey and Donnie making breakfast together."Morning lovebirds." I said and sat down on the table, Mikey gave me a death glare but I egnored it."Morning Leo, did you sleep well?" Donnie ask pretty sure trying to keep his cool."Um... Kinda." I said a little nervous then Donnie and Mikey looked at each other then smirked."Were you having a sexual dream about Raph again?"Mikey asked with a smerk on his face, I just blushed."n-no... Of course not I mean just because you and Donnie are together does not mean that me and Raph are going to do the same." I said and started to blush then they started to laugh until they stopped and moved away from each other then I heard someone behind me..."Morning guy." I turned around and saw the hottest boy I have ever seen... I saw Raph putting on his bandana and seemed a bit tired."Didn't get enough sleep." I asked trying to act normal."Yah I had a really weird dream." He started and just finished tiring his bandana then sat next to me. "What was it about?" I asked."It was about...nothing...nothing important." Raph said trying to hide it but I didn't want to get him mad so I just left I it.


When me and my Bros were done eating we went to the dojo for morning training. Master Splinter was at Aps for three months so we were home alone but that ment Leo was in charge so he picked sparing partners... I was fighting Raph while Leo was fighting Donnie witch was totally unfair cuz he knows I love to spare with my Donnie."HAGIME" and we started to train and so far it was nice until..."AHHHHH DONNIE." I yelled as I looked and saw one of Raphs Sai stabbed into my arm then fell to the ground and was unconscious hearing my love yell my name.


"MIKEY!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lunges that I bet the surface heard me but I didn't care and ran to my loves side and saw the Sai that was in Mikeys arm and I snapped."WHAT THE SHELL IS WRONG WITH YOU." I yelled again but this time at Raph."I'm sorry I tripped on my foot with my Sais on my hand and one of my Sais stabbed Mikey on the arm, I'm sorry okay, calm down." Oh he just pist me of so I lied Mikey back down then stood up and gave him a death stare and yelled again."SORRY... SORRY. THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY IS SORRY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU AND FOR ME TO CALM DOWN ARE YOU THAT STUPID." Raph tried to speak again and said."Yo he's just unconscious he's not dead." He got me so mad that I shouldn't have said but it was to late."SO YOU JUST HURT THE LOVE OF MY LIFE." Raph Then grew wide eyes but I didn't want to explan so I stomped over to Mikey and gentile picked him up and walked to the dojo door but stopped."Leo tell him... He's the only one that doesn't know." Then left the dojo to my lab to help my little Mikey.


I was still shocked on what happend until Raph snapped me out of it."Leo what is Donnie talking about... What do I not know?" I looked at him and saw that he was really frustrated. "You really want to know?" I asked trying to be sure that he was ready to hear to news." Yes I am now tell me what's go on." "*sign* D-Donnie and Mikey are together... As in dating each other." Raph was silent but then spoke."Are you pulling my shell Leo cuz it's not funny." He said not believing me."Raph remember three months ago we separated because Mikey was mad that you said that no one loves him?" I said trying to keep my cool if I had any."Yah but what does that have..." "Donnie ran to find Mikey and when he did Mikey was falling of a building... Mikey was ok but started to cry but then that's when Donnie told Mikey that he love him and told Master Splinter witch he approved and all he need to say was yes and been dating sence." I said and looked at Raph that couldn't beleive what I was saying and walked to his room without a word.



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