" I Loathe You "Part 2

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"Come on, Jac, I'm sure you look beautiful. In fact, I know you do."

"Damon, shut up, you've never even seen me.....like this." He heard Jac say from inside the Lexington mansion. He was patiently waiting for her in the hot tub of the estate's large backyard patio, taking swigs from the Moet & Chandon champagne bottle that had been set out.

Jac emerged from the sliding french door shyly, wearing absolutely nothing. Damon took her in, relishing in the fact that Jac naked went far beyond his expectations. "See? Like I said, beautiful." He grinned and she grinned too, joining him in the hot tub.

"Its just the last time you seen me like this...." Jac trailed off, her green eyes nowhere near his face. Then she blushed, something he hadn't seen in a long time since she was always being so collected around him.

"We were three," Damon finished her sentence, casually putting his arm around her. "And I was turned on even then."

Jac smiled coyly, snuggling up against his chest and taking the bottle from him, taking a long drink before setting it back down on the edge of the hot tub. "I'm surprised Marie liked you, she usually hates strangers. Well, she hates everyone." She mused, referring to her adorable two-year old cousin that they had been dumped with after Eve Lexington's sister needed a spa night - and the nanny had quit on her.

"What can I say? I'm popular with the ladies," He smirked.

"A little too popular if you ask me," She frowned for a moment and Damon could see just how much he had hurt her. It was little moments like these when he could see what she was always trying to hide and it only made him feel guilty especially after hearing all the crap she'd gone through.

"Jac, you know I can help you right?" He said then because it was the least he could do. "A couple millions isn't anything to me."

Jac tittered. "As in you want to be my sugar daddy."

"Are you offering?"

Jac scoffed playfully. "Damon, I'm not a charity case."

"But you're not a peasant either," Damon added pointedly.

"Normal people," She corrected him. "They're just people who don't have fancy private jets and big houses - and some of them are actually happy."

"Why do I feel like you're quoting someone?" Damon wondered because he sure as hell knew that no one they hung out with would say something like that'. In his opinion, fancy private jets and big houses could make anyone pretty damn happy. Anyone who claimed they didn't need money were just bitter because they didn't have any to begin with.

Jac shrugged, taking a sip from the champagne bottle again. "This guy....."

Damon scowled. "The fucking bell boy, right?" The bell boy he had accidentally invited to the Spring Debutante Auction. 'Yeah, thats going to be pretty damn dandy.'

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