Chapter 1 - That is a car?

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Story Progression

Why Us (MaxD01)
Wolf Tech 1 and 2 (wolphin5)
A Pregnancy Story (MaxD01)
Wolf Tech 3 (wolphin5 and maxd01)
Jolene's Story - Why Us 2 (MaxD01)
Tiger Tiger (Shadowline2332)
Wolf Tech 4 (wolphin5 and maxd01)
Wolf Tech 5 (wolphin5 and masd01)
The Will of the Goddess (MaxD01) -- co-exists with chapters 1-5 of Wolf Tech 5
Shadow and Ice (Shadowline2332) -- Exists within Chapter 6 of Wolf Tech 5
Thawing of the Ice (Co-written with MaxD01 and Shadowline2335) -- Exists within Chapter 6 of Wolf Tech 5, Epilogue also overlaps Chapter 7

~~~ That's a car?

Ashleigh was traveling to the next town and hoping she could find work and a place to stay. Well until she delivered her baby. At this point she simply didn't know what she was going to do. As hard as she tried not to cry tears started trickling down her cheeks again. If it hadn't been for that bastard she wouldn't be in this situation and wouldn't have had to leave town. Thanks to him she had a baby on the way, hardly any money, and the car she was driving gave beaters a bad name.

At the last gas station, it almost didn't start and if it hadn't been for the kindly old man who ran the place she would have been screwed. He had warned her the car was on its last legs and the legs were beyond dead. She had assured him, she was just going to the next town and would be fine there. Now she had the fun of driving in a pounding rain which her wipers couldn't keep up with. They had one speed - slow - and couldn't keep up with the volume of the rain from the storm.

As she was driving along the engine sputtered and her first thought was she had run out of gas. When she checked she still had some. Suddenly the engine sputtered again, and all the lights blinked off and then on. They were dimmer than before, and a grinding noise was coming from under the hood. Now the tears were really starting to flow, and she could feel the tension in her belly. The Braxton-Hicks contractions started again, and she barely made it to a cutout on the side of the road. Almost as soon as she pulled off the engine died, and the lights dimmed even further.

"Oh, damn it I don't need this. What did I do to deserve this?" She held onto the wheel as she rested her head on it and sobbed out her frustration. Her car was dead, and she had an unwanted child in her stomach. It was from the asshole who had taken pleasure in forcing her to have sex with him. She was just out of high school but had been forced to take a year off to try and save some money up for college. Short term she had been planning on the local community college and then he happened. When he had discovered she was pregnant he had coldly told her to get rid of the baby. Her other choice was to give him full custody since he wasn't going to be stuck with child support.

As she was crying she didn't realize the contractions seemed to be getting worse. All she could focus on right now was how miserable she was and how she had ended up here.

~~~ Josh and Adam find Ashleigh

Josh and Adam were coming back from an unexpected call for assistance from the next county over. There had been some cattle mutilations which had been attributed to wild animals, but the local Vet hadn't been sure. Since he knew what Josh was and was a friend of his father he'd called for help. His call had gotten the two of them sent out to see what they could find. The report was going to wait until they made it back to the house due to the storm. It had hit before they had a chance to do more than take a look at the most recent animal attack. With the heavy rain chances were damn good most if not all the evidence was going to be washed away.

"Damn it but it does look like we might have some rogues hanging around. One or two of the lone wolves have actually called in with suspicions of rogues traveling through." Adam was Josh's security specialist and beta.

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