Chapter 10 - We have a human kill

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~~~ Planning for the rogue hunt

Ashleigh had returned the hug and held onto her mom for some time before letting go. When she did she turned to Leigh and gave her aunt a good hug as well, "This is my friend Kylie. She is helping me with Charlie." She took Charles back from Kylie and held him up, so they could see his face, "This is Charles and his is a good baby. Would you like to come to our room? Kylie is currently staying with me to help with Charlie." She looked down at him and smiled, "Babies are so much work and she really helps." Right about then she felt a rumble and groaned, "I had to say something. Now I have to change him."

Bethany gave Kylie a nice smile when she was introduced before looking at the baby, "He is lovely Ash." She was about ready to ask to hold him when he appeared to fill his diaper and started fussing. She started laughing, "Believe me I do know. I did deliver you Ash and no I am not going to do diapers except in emergency." She grinned as they started to head inside.

Josh had to smile slightly and sent to Kylie, *Take care of them and keep me in the loop. Dinner will be shortly but if they want to eat in the room let me know. Show them to their room and I will talk to you later.* He nodded at Adam and headed towards his office. They had put off the search for the rogues for Ashleigh. It was expected for him to have picked her mom up from the airport. Now he could get back to get ready for the search. He headed towards his office and settled down at his desk. Before anything he wanted to check his e-mail.

When Josh received the e-mail about the video chat, so Ethan could see his family he had to groan. This wasn't what he needed. Josh decided to forward it to his father for review with some notes on when the best time would be. It shouldn't be a problem and he didn't expect Andrew to have a problem or even feel the need to be there. It was to keep his father in the loop since this was his responsibility. After checking his schedule, he sighed. They had been planning on leaving the next morning for the search for the pack of rogues. It wasn't going to happen since Josh was going to be going with. The soonest they could leave now would be shortly after lunch.

He finally replied to Alpha Adam as early as possible would be best, but he could do the meeting at the time requested. It was a mental addition of 'if no other choice was there'. He sent to Adam, *Leaving in the morning is going to be delayed. Alpha Adam would like to have the meeting tomorrow around our lunch time. I asked for an earlier time but don't expect to leave when we planned. Get with Malcom and gather a team of... eight including you, me, and Malcom. Have Malcom check to ensure they are packed for a week away and ensure they have the weapons needed. Sign out the vehicles needed, and we will go in teams of four. This is not a search and destroy mission as of now. It is information gathering on what is going on in the neutral zone.* He let Adam go.

He stood and stalked to the smart board showing the possible rogue attacks, *Molly I need you in my office. I need some help from you in planning out where to start searching. With Ashleigh's mother here, it's going to cause problems. I am going to need to contact the other packs and prides as well. I want them to know where we are going to be.* Even in the neutral zone it was a damn good idea to let people know where they were. It vastly reduced the chances of being attacked as rogues or invaders.

When his computer binged letting him know he had an e-mail he ignored it for the moment. Molly walked in shortly after, "Looking at this map you created I just want to verify where you think good places would be to search. We are leaving tomorrow, and I want to let the other Were's have an idea of where we are going to be and where they might want to check."

Molly didn't think when she leaned against him as she was looking at the map. She frowned at the map before picking up the stylus and moving to it. Based on her notes there were a few places she was very certain of, "Keep in mind I can't verify these will be correct. I am going to say I would normally be about 80% sure but with an unknown type involved I am going with maybe 60%. It should still give you something." She started marking X's on the screen and making notes. Once she was done she stepped back and glanced at her notes. She wasn't happy, but it was the best she could do at the moment.

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