Chapter 7 - You can visit Snarl

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~~~ Ashleigh and Kylie

The next morning when Ashleigh woke she found Kylie was curled up next to her in bed. She couldn't help but smile at the sleeping face of the other woman. While Kylie was asleep there was a soft roundness to her face which didn't show while she was awake. On one cheek was a few strands of hair stuck to her skin. Ashleigh couldn't resist leaning over and carefully moving the hair behind an ear. Unlike many of the females Ashleigh had seen Kylie had short hair and it was a pixie cut which framed her face very nicely.

When Kylie rolled onto her back and started stretching Ashleigh started to sit up. She had to groan as her abused abdominal muscles complained. Her hips hurt, her groin hurt, and she felt like she had run a marathon, "God if this is what having a child is like I might just stick with the one I have." She heard Kylie giggle behind her as she was talking. Ashleigh carefully stretched before standing and heading to the bathroom. The pain meds the doctor gave her was in there and she wanted them.

When she came back out Kylie was comforting Charles since he had started to fuss, "Let me have him and I will see about feeding him." Breast feeding was harder than she had expected, and she was still figuring it out. She might have to ask about getting some bottles and formula or whatever else he might need. Since he was a lycan she had no idea what extra nutrition he might need.

Kylie handed the baby over to Ashleigh, "After breakfast I will let you use my phone to call anyone you need. Mina reminded me to tell you. Once we take care of it we can go to a lounge and relax or sit on the porch. Thankfully the rain finished passing through last night and the sun is out." She settled back in the chair she had been sitting in while she watched Ashleigh nurse Charlie.

When she was told she could call her mom Ashleigh wanted to cry. It had been so long since they had talked, and she wanted to tell her about the baby, "If we could it would be wonderful. I haven't talked to her or seen her for months. He wouldn't let me talk to her or see her." She had almost been locked up as much as he controlled her, "After that I don't care, we can wander around or talk. I do want to talk to the doctor to make sure my nursing will be enough for Charles."

"That's a good idea though I don't think you will need much else. Lycan babies are very similar to human babies. The biggest difference is they do heal faster and do need a bit more food. Until we hit puberty pups aren't massively stronger than humans. Before then we do have enhanced senses and can shift. He would have shifted when born but the Luna kept him from it. We didn't know if you knew about us or not. Mina will relax the command soon." It would probably be after her mother visited. Kylie had no doubt Ashleigh would want her mother to visit. She stretched and relaxed until Ashleigh was done.

Once Ashleigh was done feeding Charlies the two women left the new rooms. The few things Ashleigh had was moved in as well as the crib and baby stuff. Kylie had packed a few bags and brought them over as well. She still had her old room but for the moment they would be in here. When they walked into the dining room the three joined the others they had eaten with the day before.

They sat down and started eating. Ashleigh was feeling better than the day before. She greeted the people she had met. This time Jamie offered to hold Charles as Ashleigh ate, "Let me guess, there is a game of pass the baby around?" She handed him over after wiping a bit of drool off his lips.

Rob snorted, "I am not a member of that particular club. Babies are nice and all but I far and away prefer being a single wolf. Someday I will end up with a mate but for now? Nah, this way I can chase all the cute single females who are willing to be chased." He winked at Kylie just for good measure. When she kicked his ankle, he started laughing.

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