Chapter 6 - Family is so important

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~~~ Mina asks Kylie to talk toAshleigh

Mina watched Kylie and Ashleigh leave the safe rooms and hoped for the best for the two, *Kylie when she feels up to it talk to her about family, friends, and others who might be missing her. Also, very gently talk to her about getting information on the rogue from her. The more information we have the better the chance of catching him.* Once she had sent to Kylie she also turned to the pack and started comforting them.

Kylie listened and replied, *Yes Mina, I have a feeling tomorrow would be the best, so she can calm down from today. Once she is showered I am going to get her some food.* She simply couldn't bother Ashleigh with this right now. Kylie could feel her tension from the scare. Kylie herself was feeling pretty stressed as well since rogue attacks were actually fairly rare.

As Mina was handing out hugs and comfort she contacted Josh and Adam as well, *Keep me up to date on what you find about Ashleigh and the rogue. I know you will be telling Andrew and normally I wouldn't get involved but in this case I want to know.* She lifted her voice so it could be heard, "I need the cooks to go and get some food ready. It doesn't have to be anything complex or fancy. Break out large sandwiches, soups, and stews. Something warm and hearty is what is needed right now. For those who wish to stay come and check with me and my assistant to get rooms assigned."

~~~ Ashleigh goes to breakfast

The next morning once Charlie had been fed Kylie helped Ashleigh into some comfortable clothing, "Breakfast will be shortly so why don't we head down. After that if you want we can walk to my room and I can show you how much of the pack lives. There are a number of rooms in the pack house for junior wolves since we do much of the work around here. Once you find your mate you can move to one of the houses or apartment buildings depending on your rank." She had to give a good stretch and yawn since she had slept well last night.

Ashleigh had to stretch as well before picking Charlie up, "Thanks for the help last night. I know babies have to feed often but every two hours?" She picked her baby up and held him close, "If they weren't so cute I am not sure many moms would be willing to deal with the loss of sleep and doing diapers." Ashleigh looked up at Kylie and had to smile as she was talking.

Kylie laughed, "You should have heard some of the pithy comments mom made about my brother when he was a newborn. He is a cute little rugrat though." He was about three and all kinds of busy and destructive as only a pup could be, "Come, breakfast is almost ready, and I can introduce you to a few of my friends as well." She grabbed the diaper bag and left the room with Ashleigh next to her. As they were walking she was just chatting and telling her about the house and about Kylie's family.

When they reached the dining room Kylie led her over to a table and urged her to have a seat, "Relax and enjoy breakfast. It smells like Belgium waffles, pork sausage, French toast, and lots of fruit." She flopped down next to Ashleigh, "These are my friends, Bob, Jennie, and..." She introduced the junior wolves at the table she had sat them at.

Jennie leaned over and looked at Charlie in the small harness he was in, "He is a cutie, if you want while you eat I will hold him for you." She stroked her slightly swollen abdomen, "I need the practice anyway and I am almost done eating." Jennie leaned against Jamie, her mate.

Ashleigh glanced at Jennie when she stroked her belly and gave her a slight smile, "Congratulations and it would be fine. I am definitely hungry, and Charles seems to have an urge to suck my breasts empty." Knowing he was a lycan helped to explain it, but when he went to town with nursing he really went to town. Several of the people around the table laughed at her.

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