Chapter 8 - Snarl Visits

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~~~ Josh talks to Ashleigh about hermother's visit

Josh had just left his office and walked to the room provided for Kylie and Ashleigh. He lightly knocked on the door and waited for it to be answered. When Kylie answered he gave her a warm smile, "I need to talk to the two of you. I especially need to talk to Ashleigh since it is a moon night."

Kylie opened the door further and waved him into the room, "I briefly talked to her earlier about this Beta, but it is good you are here." Once he had walked into the room she closed the door.

Ash looked up at Josh and gave him a warm smile. Currently she was nursing Charles, "What do you need Josh? I understand some about the moon nights. Not a great deal since he wasn't part of a pack." She looked away and a trace of fear crossed her face.

Josh walked over and ignored her nursing though he did touch her face, "Ashleigh I will keep telling you this, you are safe. I have several issues I need to talk to you about. None of them are bad but we do need to talk." He settled down in a chair, "First since you have some understanding of moon nights tonight you need to introduce your pup to the pack. For the moment we have taken responsibility for both you and your pup. By introducing him the pack will know both of you. Second, I have contacted a consultant who is willing to find the rogue who did this to you. Snarl wishes to meet with you and talk to you. It is to enable Snarl to do a better job of catching him. When Snarl does if any of his property is found it will belong to you." He rubbed his chin before continuing.

"Mom touched base with me about your mother visiting, we are going to do what is needed for her to come here. I am sure Kylie said this but don't tell her what we or your son is. Eventually we might have to but for the moment we just want you to have some family visit. With the money found you are covered for anything for at least six months or longer. Relax and recover. Let Kylie help you to learn about us and what we are like. Family is important as you have seen. Even though you aren't family from the mating aspect, you are since you have a pup. We will help you. When you are healed and want to work we have a number of jobs you can consider." Damn it he didn't want to deal with this now. He was still dealing with the effects of having to kill two of the rogues. He needed to talk to Andrew about the last one.

Kylie stiffened slightly since Snarl was well known to the Were community. He didn't take contracts against innocents, or children. Females were fair game as long as it could be proven they were detrimental to the supernatural society, "Snarl wants to meet Ash? I want to be here when he does." She might not have much to say but it would give Ashleigh support.

Ash looked at Josh and then Kylie and started to stress, "Snarl? Why would he want to meet me? What would he be doing?" For the moment she needed to focus on one thing. Right now, it was her and her baby. She would talk about her mother later.

Josh kept his expression neutral, "Snarl is a hunter. He hunts down rogue supernatural whose actions might impact on our community. He is one of the best and he has a code of honor which is iron clad. If he takes a contract and finds out, he was lied to those who lied to him die. In your case I don't have any idea why he might want to meet you. It could be as simple as getting the scent of your child since it would contain aspects of the rogue. It could also be to get information from you on where the rogue lives and anything more you might be able to provide." He shrugged once he finished talking.

She lifted a knuckle to her mouth and started to nibble on it as she was thinking, "I want Kylie with me and you close. I don't want anything to happen to Charles. He might not have been wanted but now I have delivered I am finding I love him." She looked down at him as he was nursing.

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