Chapter 5 - I want a contract for the rogue

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~~~ Kylie helps Ashliegh

Josh gave Ashleigh a good hug, "Kylie will start teaching you what you need to know. For now, go and relax and we will take care of you and your son." He released the young woman and turned back to Kylie, "Take care of her and start teaching her as she is able to deal with." Josh turned and made his way through the women and children. He was giving comfort and assurances they were safe for the moment.

Kylie held Charlie, as she thought of Ashleigh's baby. She might have named him Charles but for a baby Charlie was right, "Josh has given me an order, so I am going to be with you for the time being. We can talk later once you get a shower and cleaned up." Kylie helped Ashleigh up off the seat and wrapped an arm around her.

Ashleigh had returned the hug before Josh left, "Thank you, I really don't have the urge to be alone right now." Seeing the two shift and the mention of rogues had brought memories back of the bastard and she needed the company. Once Ashleigh was standing she took Charles back and slowly walked out of the room.

It didn't take long to reach the room Ashleigh had been given. When she walked in she gave Charles a quick check to make sure he wasn't dirty before tucking him into the crib, "Would you mind giving me a hand in the shower? I am not sure I will be able to stand for very long." Once she was clean Ashleigh was going to lay down and probably fall asleep again. Even though she was eating far better than she had been she had a long way to go. The baby had taken a good portion of her bodies reserves and it was going to take time to fully recover.

Kylie was already getting some clean clothes out when Ashleigh asked her to help. She finished pulling the clothing out before speaking, "Of course I will help you Ashleigh. When Josh told me to do what is needed to help you he meant it. Wolves don't have much if any body shyness in case you didn't know. Then again after worrying about the rogues I might take a quick shower as well." She carried the clothing into the bathroom and made sure there were towels and everything else needed.

"Why don't you come in and we will get you a good shower", even as she was talking she was starting the shower, so it would be warm for Ashleigh. For the moment she was going to ignore her interest in Ashleigh since she was probably scared. It was something they could talk about later depending on how Ashleigh acted around her.

Ashleigh slowly moved into the bathroom and couldn't help but smile slightly, "Why is the bathroom so damn big? Seriously a shower for three, a separate walk in tub, and two sink counter? This room is almost as big as the bedroom and bathroom in the walk-in slum I lived in." If all the rooms were like this the people who lived here were damn lucky. Add the food to the rooms and she could cheerfully stay here forever. It was almost like heaven to her.

Kylie had to giggle at Ashleigh's question, "Well these are guestrooms, so they are somewhat nicer. I have a room in the pack house as well. It isn't quite as nice as this and I have to share a bathroom, but it is still pretty decent. I can show you to my room later if you would like." She had already stripped down and turned to help Ashleigh to strip as well, "I will take care of your hair, back and legs. You can get the rest of you."

When Kylie mentioned having to share a bathroom Ashleigh mock gasped, "How horrible, having to share a bathroom. As long as the other person doesn't leave pantyhose hung do dry it shouldn't be a huge problem." It never occurred to her the other person might be male.

Kylie stared at Ashleigh before she started snickering, "I have a feeling Brice might be offended at the suggestion he wears pantyhose." She helped Ashleigh into the shower and using a removable showerhead started to wet down the other's hair.

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