Chapter 3 - I think the car is undead!

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~~~ Molly gets Ashleigh's things

By the time Josh and Adam were out of the birthing room Malcom and his team had finally managed to drag the vehicle back from where it had died. Once they had taken it from the tow dolly and backed it into one of the sheds all they could do was look at it and wonder. It was a case of wondering how the fuck it had made it this far. The vehicle looked to be something from the 70's and had way too many miles under the hood. Malcom thought it might be a Nova but that was a guess for the moment.

Malcom glowered at it and the body was almost more rust than metal. The bottom of almost all the body panels were rusted out not to mention more dents than... well straight and flat surfaces, "By the Goddess, how the fuck did this thing even make it this far?" He glowered at it and just for good measure kicked the bumper which wasn't a good idea since half of it popped off and dropped to the floor, "Awe hell, this thing isn't even worth the cost of salvage."

Several of the men laughed at his reaction. Randy snorted, "If you kick it again chances are the wheels are going to pop off and the car will crash to the floor. I suppose we should get her stuff out and find a room for her right?" They knew Josh had found the woman on the side of the road in the early stages of labor.

Malcom grunted at him, "Take her stuff to one of the guest rooms on the first floor. She is a guest but at best as far as we know she would be classified as a junior wolf of the lower ranks. For now, what matters is she has a wolf pup and needs a safe den to keep him in." As he was talking the others were starting to pull things out of the car.

As they were emptying the car, Molly came out. Even she gave the car a disgusted look, "I am here to make sure all of her stuff is clean and taken care of. Josh told me to take care of it, so she has what she needs when she is out of the birthing room." If her clothing was in the condition of the car the poor woman was going to get a new wardrobe. She helped grabbed the stuff out of the car and carried it to the room, "Okay you boys I will take it from here."

They scattered since they had a feeling it wasn't a good idea to annoy Molly right now. Once they were gone she took some time to sort the clothing out and gave it a look of disgust. Most of it appeared to be from second hand stores. It was somewhat divided between normal clothing and maternity clothing, *Luna, Ashleigh is going to need some new clothing. This shit is crap. Um, Ma'am.*

Mina left her office and hurried to the room and walked in. When she looked at the piles of clothing even she had a look of disgust on her face, "Fucking rogues! We will find him and deal with him." She started digging through it and finally tossed most of the clothing on the bed, "Wash it and get the sizes and then put most of it in the rag bag. We will get her better clothing before she leaves the birthing chamber." She was not looking happy currently, "Any personal items keep but the rest get rid of. Oh, check the spare items and find a crib and other baby stuff. She is going to need it. Take care of it today. If you need help tell Josh I told him to help you." There was a slight hint of amusement when she said it.

~~~ Dealing with Ashleigh

Patty walked into the birthing chamber, "Hello Ashleigh, I am here to check on you and your little boy. Mina and Molly are getting a guest room ready for you. Your car was brought in a short time ago and your items are being cleaned. They will have it ready soon." Patty settled on the edge of the bed.

Ashleigh looked really upset as Patty was talking, "Ma'am I can't pay for this and I don't have any sort of insurance. I appreciate what you have done but... I can't pay for the cost." Her son was in a hospital bassinette next to her. She looked down at him and rubbed her face as she tried not to lose it.

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